Chapter 46 - Zeus

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Chapter 46

I make it just in time for check-in at the airport. Before I had my son, I was an organized person. I prided myself on having a type-A personality mindset. I was organized and punctual. Everything was within my control.

Now all that has unraveled. I am now the epitome of the tired, harassed single mother trying to catch a break, or at the very least, a few hours of extra sleep.

I have a whole week ahead of me with the prospect of a break from routine. Dhani has been safely installed at my mother's house and I should be happy about that. Yet, a million and one thoughts crowd my head as I check once more if I have all of the important things I need for this work trip.

This really isn't the time for this. What's the point of looking now? If I've left anything behind there's really nothing I could do to fix it.

Did I remember to pack Zeus with Dhani's things? God, I hope I so. Dhani's will not fall asleep without his soft, hideous-looking, and worn-out toy bunny. I did leave keys with my mum, right? She could always fetch the bunny if I didn't pack it.

Dhani named his soft toy after the Greek god Zeus. He still hasn't mastered saying the name 'Zeus' yet. It is the cutest thing to hear him say 'Zuzi' instead.

Yeah, I have a penchant for reading Greek mythology to my son at bedtime. I leave out the gory bits, improvising at those parts, but I think story time is the best part of the day for both of us. Dhani loves the stories.

I put a call through to my mother. Just then I catch the annoyed glare of the check-in assistant. Damn, I'm holding up the queue behind me. I quickly grab my laptop bag and hand luggage and move away from the counter.

My mother answers her phone. Thank god!

"Mum, would you check if I packed Zeus. I'm sure he's there...and did I remember to give you keys?"

I'm breathless. Why am I breathing so fast?

"Layla...Honey, calm down. Why are you even calling? Shouldn't you be catching a flight? With the way you're acting you'd think I was clueless on how to take care of a child. I took care of two, mind you and they both turned out just fine."

Not now, mother! If only I had a penny for every time I heard that line...I'd be fucking swimming in money, like Scrooge fucking-McDuck!

"...Now, do me a favor and stop disturbing us. I was just about to run a bath for my grandson and Devi's coming over later to watch some Duji Dragon DVD's with us."

Fuck! Did I remember to pack his Duji Dragon DVDs?

"...And yes, you did pack the Duji Dragon DVD's, and Zuzi and I have a set of keys. How can you even forget handing me a set of keys barely an hour ago? You worry too much. It's muddling up your brain and making you stressed for no reason. You have a job to do. Concentrate on that and leave the babysitting to me."

"Okay...okay Mum...I'm me if you need me, okay?"

"You know I will, bete (Hindi word for 'daughter'). Just relax and enjoy the next few days, okay? You've been working yourself to the bone over the last two years. And you've done well. You're a good mother. No one can fault you on that. Enjoy this time you have to yourself. I know it's work but enjoy some 'me' time. Okay, darling?"

My mother's words calm me. I needed to hear this. As a single parent I'm always stressing. Always worried that the absence of one parent is doing damage to my child. And so I've overcompensated, juggling two parental roles and making sure that my son does not lack in anyway. It's a silly notion, I know, but I cannot help myself.

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