Chapter 37 - Insatiable

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Song Credit- Darren Hayes, 'Insatiable'. This 2002 release came to mind when writing this chapter...Sets the mood perfectly...Enjoy:)

Chapter 37

He's finally in me and I want to move. Can I at least move my hands to embrace him? I want to run my hands through his hair, dig my nails into that dip between his shoulder blades. Is his game over?

I decide to keep my hands above my head. Moving them may just make him backtrack and prolong making me come. I so need to come.

He moves inside me at a leisurely pace. His thrusts are hard and rock my body. But he's moving too slowly, pulling out and waiting a few seconds before plunging into me once more.

Did he read some sort of sex manual on how to apply torture by withholding orgasms? Some sort of tantric sex shit because this is not working for me.

"You want to come, Layla?"

Hell yeah, I want to come!

"Uh huh."

It's what I can manage to get out between my heavy breathing.

"Tell me how much you want this?" He rams into me on the last word, adding emphasis to this carnal pleasure he is bringing me.

Not this shit again! I want to come...Please.

The moment is too raw with emotion, too primal. My body curving to his will, jerking up to meet his hard thrusts. Both our bodies are wet and sleek. A thin coat of sweat over our heated flesh lessens the friction between us. We move together like a well-oiled machine perfectly synchronized to the milli-second.

I can feel the warmth build up in me. Slowly, but surely. I can feel that tightness  that promises an exquisite orgasm like no other I've experienced. Each time I do this the intensity increases. Is that normal?

I just wish he would increase the pace.

What to say? How to respond without him backtracking? I think Riaan has the willpower to prolong this orgasm. How is that possible?

How is it he's so in control when I'm unraveling with every thrust?

I resort to begging.

"Please...This...I...please make me come. I can't..."

I squeeze my legs tighter around him, tightening my core.

He groans above me. So, he's not entirely unaffected by the moment...

"Just say it's me you want, Jaanu. Me and only me...I need to hear it."

Just at that moment he hits a sweet spot. Damn...

"Ah, fuck...please Riaan, I want you. It's only ever been you...Nobody has made me feel like this...Only you...only you can fuck me like this."

These words, so graphic and descriptive, peppered with expletives, usually remain in my head. They rarely make it out of my mouth. And yet, in this moment Riaan has managed to extract from me my most private thoughts. Only he can do that. Only him.

He groans with obvious pleasure at my words. He likes me talking like this.

Were theses the words he needed to hear? Doesn't he know all of this already? He said he needed to hear it. That means he needs what... reassuring? How can that possibly be? How could he even doubt...This strong, self-assured man, who could charm and take to bed any woman he chooses to, needs me to validate how much I need him.

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