Chapter 38 - Some Truths

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Song Credit- 'Middle' by DJ Snake ft Bipolar Sunshine...Right on point! Enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 38

I wake up to total darkness. The sound of rain falling soothes me. Riaan is next to me and from his even breathing I can tell that he is soundly asleep.

Another perfect moment with this perfectly, imperfect man.

My stomach growls. I'm hungry. I need food.

Riaan's arm is thrown across me, one of his legs trapping both of mine beneath him. The heavy weight of him is comforting and I am in two minds about disturbing this casual, yet intimate moment.

My belly growls again. The food monster is awake and refuses to be ignored. With regret, I slip out of his warm embrace. Thankfully, he does not stir.

I look around for clothes and finally locate Riaan's shirt which I slip into. My panties are nowhere to be found. Flip! They are downstairs, somewhere on the couch or floor. It was where Riaan had slipped them off me. 

Images of Riaan between my thighs flash through my mind.

I blush.

A bit late for modesty, Layla.

Do I regret any of it?

Hell no! It was beautiful.

I go downstairs to the kitchen. The house is dark and freezing cold and I know I should go to my room first and put something warm on, but my stomach has plans of it's own.

I open the fridge, scouting out some food. I fish out some cold cuts, olives, dips and crusty bread.

The ramekins of pudding are still in there and I dip two fingers into one of the little pots and scoop some of its contents into my mouth.

I should probably wash my hands before doing that.

The clean freak in me surfaces. I remember at one point Riaan sucking one of my fingers into his mouth and lightly biting on it.

I blush at the thought.

Oh well, with the things we've done already, if there was anything to be caught from him, I've already got it. Besides we had that conversation and he did say he was clean and I believe him. Plus, he's not slept with anyone else since that particular conversation.

I smile. That is nice to know.

"There you are."

His voice catches me just as I'm about to pop into my mouth another helping of pudding. This stuff's good. It's some sort of creamy, berry, cheesecake-like pudding and I cannot resist.

I pop it into my mouth anyway before turning to see him there leaning against the kitchen door.

The last time he was leaning against a doorway in such a manner, it had lead to some very steamy activity between us.

My cheeks flush, yet again.

I don't know why, but I stand there looking guilty under the glare of the fridge light as I try and swallow down the contents in my mouth.

He walks over to me.

Of course, the smirk I love to hate is sitting there on his face. Without a word he bends down and licks the corner of my mouth and runs his tongue across my lips.

"Hmmm, you taste sweet."

Fuck that's hot!

Just when I think he's done it all, he goes and surprises me with some casual, yet loaded-with-meaning gesture that catches me off-guard.

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