Chapter 24- As Wholesome as a Turnip

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Chapter 24

The silence between us is unbearable.

"Well, get on with it," I say folding my arms across my chest. "We both have places to be and things to do. The sooner this is over with...the sooner we can get on with things."

The fact that I have no where to go and nothing to do at present does cross my mind. I am at his mercy. I need his help getting back home. He has my passport, my wallet, everything!

"As you wish," he says. Again, his words are measured and without emotion.

"I got to London and after some back and forth conversation I agreed to meet Stephanie at the sex club, as you call it. I had no intention of engaging in an sort of...of... sexual activity with first..."

"But you did," I blurt out. I need to know. I need to hear it come straight out of the horses mouth, so to speak.

"No, I didn't...Although the thought did cross my mind. I needed to convince her to give back the pictures she had taken of us together. She was threatening to take them to her father. You might not know this but we had a very public engagement back in London. People...colleagues, business acquaintances aren't going to take the news of a breakup well, especially if they think I've been cheating. Which is what I did I guess... And considering that millions are at stake with her and I getting married, I was ready to use any means possible to get her to end her game. Anything...including sleeping with her. 'One last time' as she put it. All I had to do was sleep with her one last time...and I thought I could do it. I really did. But when I felt her hands on me, her lips on mine...I couldn't go through with it...It wasn't you."

It wasn't you.

Those three words do things to me.

It wasn't me...but am I enough?

He says this so simply, my breath hitches.

God damn him and his pretty words.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better? You were still prepared to fuck her to keep your millions."

"Well, didn't you just say you were contemplating sleeping with Jack just to get back at me. Guess we both messed up there, didn't we Layla?"

My cheeks flame. He is right, I guess.

At least we agree that we both messed up.

"Yeah, looks like we both were wrong. The first moment we apart and we screw each other over. I guess declarations of love just isn't enough in the real world. But really, all this...this talk of spying, of double crossing, pictures, deals...this really isn't my world Riaan. I'm a simple girl from a simple life. We are all wrong for each other. That I'm sure of now. Had you never been friends with Rahul, we would never have even met in this life time. You know that. There's no denying we come from different worlds."

All the anger that was in me leaves. All that's left is remorse and sadness. Riaan and I can never be. That's just the truth of it all. We are too different. Yes, the sex is...was great, but even with that I won't be able to match up to what he wants. What he needs. Riaan has preferences, he likes things I cannot give him. It's just not who I am and compromising on my own values is just going to be the end of me. Monogamy is important to me. A committed relationship is important to me. Not this lifestyle Riaan has so easily adopted with his wealth.

In this moment I make peace with the situation. There can never be anything more between us. We are both different people with different goals, different lives. Best to part ways and move on.

I think Riaan has already realized this.

"So you didn't sleep with Stephanie...But why didn't you just take my calls. I tried calling you."

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