Chapter 10 - Kissing Games

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Chapter 10

We make it in time to catch the last boat back to the ship. I am exhausted and want nothing more than a hot shower and bed.

Jack invites me to dine with him before I head back to my room, but I decline. I want to be alone with my own thoughts for a bit. I want to be alone.

We part ways in the ship's foyer.

"Well, thank you for a wonderful day, Jack. Everything was perfect. The food, the company, the exploring, the sunset...And the Red Beach!...It's a memory I'm going to keep forever."

Jack steps closer to me and takes my hands in his.

"It need not be a memory, Layla. It need never end," he says quietly.

Damn. What happened to platonic? What does he mean with these words now?

"Yeah, so?"

What else am I to say? I'm so confused and exhausted at the moment. He caught me off guard with that one.

I pretend to not understand the double meaning in his words.

"Maybe we could do this again? Sightseeing, I mean...before you leave the ship..."

I want to make light of his words. They are too heavy and loaded with meaning for me to deal with right now.

"That's not what I meant, Layla. You know that. I like you. I like you, a lot. I meant it need not end at the end of this week."

Well, f#ck me blind! I was not expecting this...Well, not so soon, anyway.

"I was hoping we could go out on a date once we back in Cape Town? I'm sure you've figured out by now that I'm seriously attracted to you. I can't do this platonic friendship thing with you."

My face gets hot at his words. Gosh, he is blunt, isn't he? This is exactly what Tina warned me about. A man like Jack could not have a relationship with a woman that did not include sex.

"I...I'm sorry Jack...but I can't promise you anything right now. It's still too early..."

I don't get to finish my sentence. Jack pulls me to him and crushes me against the wide expanse of his chest. His lips immediately smash down onto mine, drawing me into a passionate kiss.

Oh, my...I didn't expect this...although I don't mind either...

His lips are needy and warm and I find myself responding to him. I protest weakly for only a second and then close my eyes and give in to the kiss.

Does rejection do this to you? Make you want human contact so desperately? I cling to Jack's chest and open my mouth. His tongue invades my mouth and I love the feeling it gives me.

It's nothing like the all consuming kisses I've shared with Riaan, but I do like it.

Jack moves his arm that's around my waist, tightening his grip. His body is hard and smells spicy.

So different to Riaan's...

...No, this isn't right.

I gently push at his chest.

He releases my mouth. Our foreheads touch as we both try to recover from the kiss. Our breathing is hard. Well, I'm definitely attracted to Jack. There's no denying that any more.

"We need to stop...This...this is all too soon."

"Too soon after what? After Riaan broke your heart and made a fool of you?"

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