Chapter 47 - Turn The Page

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Song  Credit- 'Big Girls Don't Cry', by Fergie

A.N- Am so chuffed! Today (24/09/2018) Ghungroo reached 20k reads. All in the space of 9 months:) For a first time writer I'm extremely pleased and can only say that this wouldn't have been possible without all of you lovely readers. Thank you sooooo much!

...Also a bittersweet moment...only about 10 chapters to go till the end...

Chapter 47

I've never been to London. In fact, except for the working holiday in Greece, I've never travelled out of South Africa. But I've always wanted to. I've always wanted to study abroad...Always thought I would...

When it was just me to think about, the likelihood of this happening seemed possible. Now with my son in the picture, that dream has been put on hold. It's still possible I guess, but I have someone else to think of now too.

My schedule for the week is already mapped out.

Monday and Tuesday I will spend setting up my paintings in the gallery. Wednesday there will be a gathering of all the artists exhibiting. A sort of unofficial opening and I will get to present a paper on my works.

I'm looking forward to that. Mingling amongst like-minded individuals, drinking in the smells of paints and linseed oil curing on crisp canvas in a gallery setting. It's what I live for...That- and Dhani.

My boy. I miss him already. But I need to stay focused. I need to make the most of this opportunity so that I can hone a future career that supports the both of us.

Friday night is the official opening. It is when I will do my performance piece that supports my paintings. I'm ready for it. In fact, I'm more than ready. In the last two years classical dance has been my refuge. It is all I did with every free moment I got. It was my therapy, the place I went to when I needed to think and let off a bit of steam.

I practiced tirelessly, pushing limits and finding solice in Kumari Devi's studio. I've worked my body till it ached, welcoming the pain, punishing myself to the point of total exhaustion, and sometimes tears.

I've never been in better shape. My body is toned and firm. I'm flexible and supple and all that pushing and breaking of limits has paid off. I am at my peak, ready to take on anything, and everything.

Tina says I'm the kind of woman other women hate. Where does she come up with this stuff? My body shows not a trace of having being pregnant. My belly is flat and not a single stretch mark mars my flesh. I guess it's one of the benefits of having a child when young. Your body bounces back much quicker.

I feel a bit jet lagged. Tonight, I shall enjoy the hotel room. Spoil myself with some room service and pig out on the king size bed.

When I arrived at Heathrow, I was met by Delia, a spunky, fiesty woman who is curating the exhibition. Delia looked exactly like I pictured her in my head. This was the first time we officially met, but we've been communicating over the telephone and via email for weeks now.

Delia whisked me away and immediately went into a tirade of information overload as we made our way to my hotel. It was hard keeping track of everything she said.

I was too excited looking out of the window as we drove to my hotel. Thank god she left me with a printed itinerary when she finally said her goodbyes once I was checked in and at my room door.

The hotel was lovely. Not fancy in an opulent way, but still grand. Besides, I was in no position to be picky. This was a fully sponsored trip by the organizers of the exhibition. Plus, I was lucky enough to get a stipend from my university for food and cabs.

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