Chapter 34 - Get On With It, Already!

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Smut alert!!!

Chapter 34

I should say no. I know this.

But I want it. Want him. Whatever he's offering.

I know I should care about what happens after this but quite frankly, right now, in this moment, I don't.

I need to have him in me, have him stretch me to my limits and grind into me, pound in-and-out of me until I'm sore and feel like I'm about to split in two.

The feeling is too overwhelming. I crave it.

Fuck pride for now. I can scrape it off the floor tomorrow. Today, I will have him...I will let him have me.

There's no mistaking that look in his eyes. He wants me.

I lace my fingers tighter into his hair.

"I want you."

Three words. It's all it takes to settle the matter.

I feel his body relax.

I want to say more, bare my soul to him, the way he has done now to me, but he doesn't give me the chance to. In the next moment his lips come crashing down on mine again.

A low groan eminates from Riaan, making me shudder. Tiny prickles, like an electric current course through me making me sensitive to his kiss.

My nerve endings bristle, making the tiny hairs on my arms to stand on end. But it has nothing to do with the chill in the room. It has everything to do with the man devouring my lips.

Riaan's a good kisser. I've been kissed before but nothing compares to the way Riaan kisses me. It's as if he sees only me. All he needs is me, like his very life depends on it. So intense. I can never tire of this.

Jack's kiss was mild compared to this...Jack's got nothing on Riaan...

Fuck. Why am I even thinking of Jack right now. He was a loser...A sorry excuse of a man...

Riaan breaks the kiss.

Why? It's the second time he's done this now...Don't stop...

"Say it's me you want, Layla....say my name."

His eyes are filled with so much intensity it makes my chest hurt.

Somehow, I manage to get out the words he wants to hear. My voice is barely a whisper and I hope to God he hears me.

"I want you, Riaan. it's only ever been you...only you..."

I close my eyes. The moments too intense. I need some reprieve from it.

I feel him bite down on my bottom lip. Hard!


My eyes immediately snap open in pain.

"Eyes on me, baby. I want you to know who's fucking you. No closing them. No turning away. Understand?"

Fuck! That's hot.

I nod my head.

He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, running his tongue over it and easing the pain he has caused.

He eases himself onto the couch and places himself between my legs. The throw is quickly removed off of me and discarded on the floor.

All the while his eyes are fixed on me.

"First I need to taste you. Then I'm going to fuck you."

He cups the raised flesh between my legs, finding the slit with his thumb and lightly presses down. He adds just enough pressure for me to feel his finger through my pajama bottoms and finally rubs down on that small spot he knows will push me over the edge when teased.

Ghungroo - The Siren Call of Lovers (#2)Where stories live. Discover now