Chapter 16 - Lamb to the Slaughter

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Picture credit- "The Rape of the Sabine Women" by Giambologna (Jean de Boulogne's), Piazza della Signoria in Florence, Italy

Chapter 16

I want to run to the door and open it. I want to run out of this room and go find Tina. We need to leave. I need to tell her that Jack is freaking insane. A fucking nut case...Only much worse.

Why's he frightening me this way? This isn't a game. I feel my heart's about to explode.

But I can't move. I'm stuck on the bed unable to move. My limbs feel like pieces of lead. Even my eyes feel heavy and droopy.

I just want to crawl under the covers here and sleep. Yes, I need to sleep.

Jack comes back to the bed and slips down onto his knees in front of me. He grips my arms and forces my head up, looking into my eyes. I can't hold his stare. It's too painful to do so. I'm dizzy, and focusing is impossible.

"Wow...this worked so much quicker than I thought. She said it would take fifteen to thirty minutes. And here you are, totally obliterated in under ten. What a lamb you are..."

He looks at the watch on his wrist and purses his lips.

His voice is soft, almost a whisper. But it's laced with such malice that it turns me cold.

Why Jack? I want to ask him this but I can't form the words.

Why can't I move? Why can't I speak? What's wrong with me?

Then it comes me. I've been drugged.

Did...did Jack drug me? But how? When? can't be...


Moments of the last hour rush through my brain. Searching for answers. Anything...

And then I remember the brandy. The drink I swallowed without a thought. So greedily...So trustingly...Jack spiked my drink? Is this even happening? I want to scream. I want to tell him to get the fuck away from me, but all that escapes me is a moan.

"There. There," he coos. "Let's get you nice and comfy, shall we?"

He hitches me up further onto the bed and lays me down. Yes, that feels much better. Some of the pressure in my head eases.

No. No. No. What am I saying...this isn't right. I don't want this. This isn't my bed. I need to get to my room. My own bed.

Dear God, what is happening here?

"Just relax, Layla. It will all be over soon enough. Don't fight it." He pushes my hair away from my face. Grabbing a strand he twirls it around his finger.

"God, but you are beautiful. This would have been so much better for the both of us had you come to me willingly...and for a moment I thought you would. I really did...You were so... into me? What happened?"

He runs his hand across my face, brushing my lips and moving down to my bare neck. His touch makes my skin prickle.

God, no.

He's a fucking psycho...

How could I have judged him so wrongly?

"If I had more time, I would have tried harder. To win you over...Used a bit more persuasion. But I leave the ship in two days...You left me little choice...I can be quite charming, you know. At least other women think so. But, I can see that Riaan has really did a number on you, didn't he, my love?...Revenge is sweet... Imagine how he will react seeing me do this to you now."

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