Chapter 60 - Broken

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Song Credit- LOL, This song came to mind because of Dhani's (Danny's) name. A South African favorite by Danny K- Hurt so Bad.

A lengthy chapter but I didn't want you all hanging till Monday. You're welcome:)

Have a fab weekend❤️

Chapter 60


Dhani calls to me. I can see his irritation surface at having his sleep disturbed. In that way, he's a lot like his father.

I walk towards my son and pick him up. I coo at him, rocking him a bit in the hopes of pacifying him.

I reach for the bottle on the nightstand and sit on the bed while cradling him in the crook of my arms. I hold the bottle to his lips and he grasps it and sucks deeply on the teat of the bottle.

I'm supposed to be weaning Dhani off his bottle feeds. The nursing sister where I take him for monthly checkups has advised me to cut his milk feeds by half as it was affecting his appetite for solid foods.

The bottle's more of a comfort tool to him and it's been a battle of wills lately when I deny him the pleasure of sucking on it.

The bottle on the nightstand was meant for bedtime tonight. Guess, one extra feed today wouldn't hurt. I'd rather deal with one pair of hard grey eyes looking at me with disapproval than two. I just need to keep Dhani happy while Riaan's here.

"Mummy?...He called you mummy... You're...This...this is your son?"

"No shit, Sherlock," I snap at him. I'm slightly pissed off at the moment. He had no right barging into my home the way he did.

Riaan walks over to the bed. He peers down at the child in my arms. It's the first time I see pure fear in his eyes. Fear, wonder, shock, disbelief...

He gazes down at the child that is his. His face is intense, thoughtful. It's painful to see the confusion that mars his beautiful face.

"He's mine," he states.

It isn't a question. He knows.

How could he not? Dhani's the spitting image of him.

"He is," I whisper.

More seconds tick by. I see the pain on Riaan's face and it hurts me. I see him trying to make sense of all of this. I see him fitting together the pieces.

What have I done?

If I had told Riaan at the very beginning, he would not be looking at his son as if he's a total stranger.

And it pains me to see Dhani look at his father with nothing more than mild curiosity while sucking on the bottle. There is no recognition, no squeals of joy at seeing his dad.

I did that. I denied that bonding that happens between fathers and sons. I denied the bonding that should have happened between this father and son.

I know Riaan will make a great dad. I know that he has that instinct to protect and love family no matter what. He might be a lot of things, but he will make a great father.

Fuck. What have I done?

I feel a tear fall onto my arm.

Am I crying?

No, it isn't me. My eyes are dry.

I look up to find Riaan's eyes wet. God strike me dead now. I've reduced this strong, proud, beautiful man to tears. My heart aches for him.

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