Chapter 53 - The Siren's Call

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Song Credit - Let Me - Zayn (I know I put this song up in another chapter somewhere, but really I'm so into this one at the moment, I had to insert it here again. Enjoy the chapter. It's a long one!)

Finally, Riaan's back. Love him or hate him, here's his POV :)

Chapter 53

Riaan's POV

It takes everything in me not to yank the car door open and drag Layla out of the car.

Why am I even here? Why the fuck did I even follow her out? What right do I have to be angry with her?

Still, I can't bear to see her kissing someone else. I can't bear to see her limbs wrapped around this...this loser.

I run my hand through my hair. I need to get a grip of this situation. It can only end badly if I don't.

The loser speaks.

"Layla, you know this dude?"

Dude? Is that what this...this half-wit calls people? Dude? Is this the type of man Layla goes for now? Bulky, testosterone-fueled imbeciles with the vocabulary of a twelve year old?

The loser speaks to her as if I'm a stranger and he's her lover. Is he her lover? They're definitely intimate. He must be. Layla is not the one-night-stand kind of person. Or is she?...It's been years since I last saw her after all.

I fist my hands into balls and hold them tightly to my sides. I see Layla cringe and lean into the crook of this fucker's neck.

I steady my breathing. I need to take control of the situation. If I do something irrational like drag her out or plaster my fist into this guy's face, then all is lost. Any chance of me even speaking to her ever again will be lost.

And that's all I want from her right now. Ten minutes of her time. A chance to have a decent conversation... At least that's what I've convinced myself I want. Yes, I want more, but talking will be a good start.

Yeah, I want her back. There's no denying it, no battling with what I've always known. I want all of her. After seeing her tonight, I realize I've been a fool to let her go.

I peer into the darkness of the car. Her face is partially hidden by the body of her lover. Layla looks upset. Did I do that?

Of course I did that. I'm an idiot...

Her lover...Fuck, if that doesn't kill me.

I should just walk away now. It isn't my place. I left her. I have no right...Still, I can't...I need to speak to her...She probably hates me, but there's a burning need in me to speak to her.

"Layla....please...We need to talk."

Layla sighs and slides off the lap of this...this dude. The action calms me somewhat. But I'm still fuming. She has still to look at me. She has still to acknowledge my presence.

The dude speaks again.

"Layla, is this...someone you know? Is he a boyfriend?"

"Maddox," she sighs, covering her face with her hands. "No, he isn't a boyfriend. I...I don't even know what he is. We had something, but it ended, years ago."

Her words are like a cold bucket of water tipped over me.

Layla looks out of the front glass of the car. She looks everywhere, but at me.

I'm a bit calmer now that she isn't in contact with this...this Maddox guy.

My anger towards this guy Layla is with is unfounded. I don't know him but his mere presence so near to Layla is infuriating. The subtle intimacy between them is driving me to the point of insanity.

Ghungroo - The Siren Call of Lovers (#2)Where stories live. Discover now