Chapter 44 - No, no, no, no.

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Song Credit- 'Dream' by Imagine Dragon. Just seemed right for the mood...

Chapter 44

I force myself to focus on what Doctor Peurdo is saying. My one hand holds the phone to my ear, while the other grips the table I'm seated at. Damn, my fingers hurt.

Whatever the doctor has to say cannot be good. That much I'm sure of.

"You're a hard lady to track down, Miss Layla. I've been calling your phone for a week now, with no reply. I didn't want to leave a message. I wanted to talk to you in person."

Oh dear. I'm right. If it wasn't bad news then he could have just left a voice message or texted.

Dr Peurdo's thick Greek accent is making my understanding fuzzy. Yes, he's speaking English but with him not in front of me I'm having a hard time keeping track of this conversation. The fear that's building up inside of me isn't helping either.

I wish he would just come out and say what he needs to say. He's such a polite man, so patient. A good quality to have, but it's driving me insane now!

"Is it a convenient time to talk now, Layla?"

"Y...yes, Doctor. I can talk."

"...Because if you can't, I can always call tomorrow."

Why does he sound like he's talking in slow motion? Why is he dragging out this thing? Why doesn't he just say what needs saying!

I'm dying here...Wait. Am I dying? I mean, like literally dying? Is that why he called?

"No, Doctor I'm free right now. Please... if it's important I'd like to know now. Is it...Does it have to do with the tests you did? I thought all was fine...Did you find something...wrong with me?"

"Well, Layla. Nothing is exactly wrong. You see both your urine and blood sample show that you're pregnant..."

Oh God, from tact to total bluntness! Did he really just use the 'P' word?


It's the word I hear before the walls start closing in on me.

No, no, no, no.

I heard wrong.

There's a mistake.

He did say pregnant, right?

The silly man! Pregnant. He called the wrong person or mixed up the test or, or...something. Please let it be something, anything, except pregnant. I'll even settle for a mild case of crabs, but really pregnant?

Pregnant. He says it like I have a common cold.

"Well, Layla, you have influenza A. Take these pills and you'll be as right as rain in a day...."

My body freezes up. My bottom lip begins to tremble.

I'm pregnant.

I'm pregnant?

Im pregnant! As in there's a baby inside-me-pregnant?

Doctor Peurdo is wrong. I'd know if I'm pregnant, right? I've heard of women who knew they were pregnant from the moment they had conceived. The moment sperm collided with egg...boom! They knew. Isn't that how it works?

You're so stupid, Layla. All of those things you've been called. Silly. Naive. Innocent...You're definitely all of those things. How can you not know you're pregnant?

Ghungroo - The Siren Call of Lovers (#2)Where stories live. Discover now