Chapter 9 - Red is the Colour of my Heart

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Chapter 9

The platter is demolished in minutes. We sit stuffed for a bit savouring the moment of a meal well enjoyed.

"Come," Jack says. "Let's go explore the beaches."

I reach for my bag wanting to take out some money and contribute to the bill. But Jack stops me.

I insist. I like paying for my own way, especially since this is not a date or anything like that. But Jack insists that this is his treat and that there are other ways he can be compensated for the meal. I go livid.

He bursts into laughter.

He's joking with me. I get it. He knows how strongly I feel about such things and is making light of the awkward situation.

"Relax, Layla. I meant your company. You can pay me back with your company. On a totally platonic level."

He says the words, but his eyes say something completely different.

Gosh. What have I got myself into? What is it I'm wanting from Jack?

I have to admit that I am finding him very attractive at the moment. How could I not? He is a walking sex God that's more than easy on the eye. He's damn beautiful really and his posh upbringing has given him a suave demeanor that is charming.

A smooth operator. Yeah, that's what he is.

This thought makes me giggle which I conceal beneath a smile as I look up at him.

He has a smoldering dark look about him. Glossy black hair, piercing, bright-blue pools for eyes. He's built like Riaan too. Tall and muscular. But unlike Riaan, he has a polished look. A bit too much on the pretty side for me. What is the word for these well manicured men? ...metrosexual...that's it. He's too clean cut, and well put together. Like he visits a salon and gets facials weekly.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. I applaude men who take care of's just not my thing. Imagine keeping up with his beauty regime? Especially when yours consisted of a pair of tweezers, a plastic shaver and discounted face wash.

Yes, he's too perfect. If there is such a thing to begin with...

He reminds me of Stephanie.

Oh God! Where did that come from? He's like Stephanie. Unnaturally, well kept.

That thought instantly repulses me. God, I need to get that thought out of my head. Scrub it out if I have to.

Nobody can be like Stephanie. She's not even human. She's too cold...too reptile-like. Too...Predatory.

A shiver runs through me.

"Layla, are you cold? Are you okay?...Looks like you zoned out for a bit."

Jack covers my hand with his. My first instinct is to pull away. But I don't want to appear rude so I leave my hand in his. His hands are unlike Riaan's which are rough and hard...I remember them from the way they touched my lips...stroked my breasts...

Stop it, Layla. Just, f#cking stop it. You are driving yourself to insanity with this...this stupidity. Riaan has moved on...he probably doesn't even remember the sex. You were just one screw in a long line of many.

He's probably already banged at least another five women after your dirty little weekend with him. Him and Stephanie. Sick f#ckers. They probably screwed them all...together.

A giggle threatens to escape my lips once more.

Is this how a person finally spirals into a world of madness? Is this the beginning of the end? I've become a dark force with a filthy junk mouth. I've never cursed this much in my life! It's in my head...but still...

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