Chapter 18 - It Was You

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Song credit- Hakan Akkus - 'I Can't Be'. Listen up! Great tune to set the weekend mood:)

Chapter 18

"Come. You need to get back into bed. You're safe now. Let me help you."

Dave comes towards me.


Dave, Riaan's right hand man. It was him I saw. Him, I felt following me around. Him, who I saw before I blacked out.

He reaches out to me, grasping my shoulder but I cringe at his touch.

"Don't fucking touch me," I hiss. I cling to the door knob, avoiding his hands that freeze instantly at my words. Shock registers on his face. I can't bear anyone touching me.

"Where am I? Where's Tina? came...did he..."

My face turns hot. I cannot complete the sentence. The memory is still too raw and fresh in my head.

"Come," Dave says once more. "Just get into bed and I'll answer all the questions you have. You're still weak from the...ordeal."

Ordeal. How stupid I feel standing here like this now. he trying not to say the word rape? Like the way I'm trying not to think it?

My hands slip off the knob of the door and my body sags forward. This time I'm grateful for Dave's arms that support me. He puts his arms around me and guides me back into the room I have tried escaping from now.

But somehow I know I'm safe. Dave works for Riaan and that thought somehow comforts me.

Isn't it this very trust you have for people that got you in this mess to begin with? Trust, my ass. I'm an idiot.

Still, I lean into Dave and let him guide me to the bed.

I climb back into the covers of the bed. This time the bed is inviting and not some ominous sea creature trying to swallow me whole.

As I get comfortable, Dave goes over to the far end of the room and draws back the heavy curtains. Light floods into the room. I squint, adjusting my eyes to the harsh brightness. From where I lay I can see the ocean. Trees and a shoreline fill up the foreground.

So, I'm not at sea anymore. At least that's one question answered.

I wait for Dave to come to the bed. My head is swimming with questions. But I ask the most pressing one first.

"Tina?" I ask, holding my breath expectantly.

Dear God, please let Tina be safe in all of this. Please...

Dave smiles at me reassuringly before answering.

"Your friend is safe. She's still aboard the ship and knows that you are here with me. At Riaan's request. I explained everything to her and she agreed that the best thing was for you to disembark immediately."

"You left her there with Jack?"

How could he? Jack would go after her...hurt her.

"Jack is no longer on the ship."

So where is he then?

Miles away from me and Tina, I hope.

Fuck ! This is all too much for me to comprehend.

"Did he...did he..." Damn, I still can't bring myself to say the word. I know it isn't my fault. I know that being violated by Jack in such a vile way was no fault of my own...and yet I feel ashamed. I feel dirty. Like I did something wrong.

Ghungroo - The Siren Call of Lovers (#2)Where stories live. Discover now