Chapter 12 - Hot Yoga

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Chapter 12

"Are you stalking me?" I ask Jack at the end of my 2pm light yoga class. Thankfully, it is only a mildly hectic class, not a serious cardio workout which I'm grateful for. It's only three in the afternoon and I'm quite exhausted already.

Not that this class is not strenuous at all. It's a series of core exercises, the holding of several yoga poses I'm accustomed to doing before classical dance practice. They are meant to warm up the body and keep the muscles supple.

The Boat, the Dolphin, the Bridge, some deep breathing exercises. Simple poses held for a minute at a time. It's easy for me but not so much for beginners...Which I discover Jack is.

It took everything in me not to collapse into fits of laughter each time he attempted a pose. He kept winking at me from the back of the class, or rolling his eyes with pain.

I eventually stopped looking at him all together. The silent messages and knowing looks were cute, but very distracting.

"Stalking you? Of course not. I'm a big fan of yoga. Can't you tell?"

He looks so adorable with his face all flushed and smiling that I succumb finally to the laughter that's been brewing inside of me ever since he entered my class.

He laughs too and takes the end of the towel wrapped around his neck and wipes his face.

Damn, he's fucking gorgeous!

"Actually, I heard about the hot yoga instructor and couldn't resist checking out what the fuss was about."

"You and your wicked humour and wild imagination. I'm pretty sure it's gotten you into a bind more times than you care to remember."

"That it has," he laughs. "But the part about the hot yoga instructor is all truth."

Just like that the laughter stops and he's looking at me intensely. I roll my eyes and pretend that his bright blue eyes don't bother me.

"What? You think the men in your class are here for a serious workout? No jokes, but it's so very obvious that most of them are here just to check you out. They definitely getting some kind of exercise though...Probably in a cold shower right now exercising their right hands."

No! He didn't just say that, did he?

What is it about Jack and his dirty thoughts? And even dirtier mouth? He literally just says whatever comes to mind. Does every single thought just flow right out of his mouth?

I heat up instantly. Thankfully, I'm already flushed from the class so hopefully he doesn't see me blushing now.

Do I allow Jack to bother me so much? He certainly gets a kick from seeing me blush at his bluntness...Or, do I play it cool?

I decide to play it cool.

"So, Jack, if that's true, how come you're not in a cold shower right now?"

He lifts an eyebrow and smirks at me.

Yeah Jack, I can be devilish too...

"I was just on my way to do exactly that. But not before attempting to engage the hot instructor in some hot flirtation. Who knows, she might just take a liking to me."

"Maybe, she already likes you," I say.

My quip is forthright and sincere. It is how I feel. I've gotten to know Jack a bit more in the last few days, and I must say, I do enjoy his company.

His eyes are intense again and he takes a step towards me.

My hand immediately shoots up and I hold up my palm to him.

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