Chapter 8 - Greek Gods and Magic

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Chapter 8

I meet Jack in the main foyer at 10am. He has somehow magically cleared both Tina and my work obligations for the day. Tina is ecstatic. But she declines disembarking the ship for a day out exploring Santorini. The weather's too miserable she says and would rather prefer lounging out on deck sunbathing.

I only half-believe her excuse not to join me, but I don't question it. I know she wants to give me time alone in Jack's company.

The winter is not so bad this year around I'm told by those seasoned workers who have done the winter cruises before. It hasn't rained much and is a few degrees warmer than usual. A steady wind blows most of the time but nothing too hectic.

I dress casually in jeans, a T-shirt and a cardigan. I pull on two pairs of socks and have opted to wear my soft black, mid-calf boots which are the most used and comfortable shoes I own. Thank goodness I packed them. I figure as long as my feet are warm and cushioned I'll be comfortable out walking and exploring.

Santorini is breathtaking. The first time I got a peek of it from the porthole in my cabin, I had stared at it in wonder. I had just woken up and was eager to see where we had docked for the day. It was like no place I'd seen before.

Jagged pieces of land, as if pierced sharply into the Aegon sea by the hands of  Greek gods themselves. It was beautiful. Just by looking at it from a distance I could tell that it was a place steeped in legacy and history.

It hit me then that I have arrived at the place I had read of in novels, of great titans and Greek Gods, magic and myth surrounding me in all its splendor. I was eager to explore this island and immerse myself once more in the legends from my childhood.

Ready for our day out, Jack and I disembark the ship and make our way towards the island. The cruise ship's tender boat carries us to the little dock and as the beautiful island grows and looms before us, a sense of child-like excitement fills me.

Jack is in a relaxed mood and smiles every now and then at my child like squeals of wonder. The rock face is littered with white-washed, blue-domed buildings and I imagine what it would be like to live here for a while, looking out at the blue ocean and natural splendor around me for days on end.

We make our way up to the city of Fira using the cableway. The other two ways of reaching the top is either walking up hundreds of stairs which I'm too lazy to do, or on the back of a donkey. I cannot bear the thought of inflicting such unnecessary stress on an animal, so we settle on the cable car.

We wander through cobbled streets and tiny alleyways browsing the few stalls and shops that are open. Much of the city is in slow mode in winter, but there is still some trade open and I revel in finding little keepsakes and gifts to take back home.

I think I prefer being here in winter. There are no crowds, no chaos as I can well imagine there to be in peak season. A brisk wind blows, cooling my body as a chilly sun hangs in a crisp winter sky.

Everything is perfect...except...except the person I share it with now. The thought of Riaan comes to me intermittently...He would have loved sitting here now with me, taking in this beautiful scene...That T-shirt with the quirky little donkey on it with Santorini scribbled across it would have been perfect for him...I imagine him laughing and slipping into it just to hear me giggle...

Am I crazy? Why do I torture myself so?

His laughter, that low sexy rumble I grew to love, haunts me as I walk through narrow alleyways and beautiful archways browsing through shops and galleries filled with beautiful Byzantine art and merchandise.

Is it ever going to be any different? Will this sadness and longing ever end? Really, is this my lot in life now?  To be constantly reminded of what could have been? Am I this weak to let one person affect my mood so drastically? Am I that pathetic.

I try to suppress the thoughts of Riaan that fliter into my head at random moments.

Jack is good company. He is attentive, seeming to enjoy the little bits of trivia I share with him. I didn't even know I knew this much about Greece. He is happy to just be in my company and I am grateful for that.

Sometimes he catches the sadness in my eyes and instead of saying something, he just lightly grabs my hand and gently squeezes it.

To say I am totally comfortable in Jack's company would be a lie. I am not. There is still an uneasiness that I cannot quite shake off. It had been so different with Riaan. Well, I did know him for most of my life, after all. Jack on the other hand is a total stranger.

And you know what they say, 'Once bitten, twice shy.' I don't think I could ever have another relationship that I wouldn't constantly be comparing to what we had...what we could have had...

Stop being a drama queen, Layla! Stop it, stop it, stop it. Stop this crap now. You are only twenty-three. A whole world awaits you.

By midday we are famished and stop at a little restaurant that overlooks the docks below. Our ship is but a mirage in the distance now. From this distance, high up in the hills of Santorini, it appears tiny and rather insignificant...I wonder what Tina is up to? Probably lying on deck making the most of the midday heat.

The owner of the restaurant is a friendly chap, and at Jack's request brings us a bottle of his finest wine. The wine is certainly smooth and crisp and I enjoy the chilled, semi sweet taste. Wine is definitely something Jack knows a lot about and I listen intently as he gives me a lesson on choosing and savoring a good wine.

Still, I cannot relax. Something is wrong. I cannot shake the feeling that I am being watched. Not by Jack. Sure Jack has his eye are on me and it's already kind of nerve wracking to go through the process of getting to know someone.

The small touches, the accidental locking of eyes, meaningful gestures. Sure, Jack's definitely interested in me. And there is an attraction between us. Whether it's because we both have a common enemy and wish to hurt Riaan is something I need to give serious thought to once I'm alone in my room tonight.

But the uncomfortable feeling doesn't just come from the awkwardness I feel around Jack. Throughout the morning I kept turning around expecting to see someone watching me. It's a creepy feeling I cannot shake.

I scan my surroundings again. Nope. Nothing.

Riaan has turned me into a distrustful, paranoid freak! I need to relax.

I gulp down some wine and sigh heavily, smiling at Jack in the process. He gives me one of his signature smiles, the one that he has perfected to melt any woman's heart and I relax a bit. Jack is exactly what I need to get over Riaan.

Our food arrives shortly. A huge mezze platter, decked with skewers of fragrant lamb and spicy eggplant, chickpea and yogurt dips, plump olives...And some more... Spinach and feta phyllo pastry pies...meat balls, zucchini fritters...succulent stuffed grape leaves...

We both tuck into the delicious meal. I find that Jack loves food as much as I do.

That makes two things we have in common now. Good food...and a burning hatred for Riaan.

Hi my lovelies, winter is setting in here in South Africa. Time for fluffy socks and nights in bed reading wattpad while sipping  on hot chocolate...nothing better, right?...what's the weather like in your part of the world?

Please remember to vote and follow. Appreciate each one of you...Till my next update x

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