Chapter 32 - Grinning bunnies and Rolling Storms

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Chapter 32

The storm comes just as Riaan has said it would.

Rolling storms, one after another, battering the little island and making any out-door activity impossible.

From the windows overlooking the shoreline I can see massive grey waves roll and crash onto the shore. They look ominous and I'm glad Riaan has cautioned me against traveling during this time.

From what I see, Riaan was right about not attempting to leave with this storm in full force. He was being realistic. His cautioning me was him being realistic. It was not some ploy to torture me with his presence. Certainly not some plan to keep me here and seduce me.

Yeah, silly little me had been hoping that he wanted to be alone with me.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I hope Tina and Rahul are now off the ship and holidaying somewhere inland. It was Tina's plan to leave the ship early, if I remember correctly. I hope it works out the way she has planned.

It's now day two of being stranded alone with Riaan in this house. It's quite somber and I've barely seen him since our little heart-to-heart conversation. He's holed up in the library here doing god-knows-what.

I had no idea there was even a library in this house, but I avoid it like the plague now. In no way am I going to seek out Riaan. He made it pretty clear he didn't want me.

Even if it means me enduring the mild throb that sits between my legs and is a constant reminder of how much I want him, how near he is to me right now at this very much minute- there's no way in hell I'm going to seek him out.

I did it once. I won't again.

Mr and Mrs Kourakis have not pitched for work at all in the last two days, and I'm glad they haven't. The weather's too bad to be venturing out, especially for the old couple. I suspect everyone on the island is practicing caution and staying indoors until the storm passes. It's silent and quiet all around us and I feel like besides Riaan, there's not another living soul for miles around.

Dave's missing too. I hope he's somewhere safe...Geez, I like Dave? I consider him a friend now?...When did that happen?

Sheets of rain blanket the island and the wind whips up a chaotic mess in its wake.

Thankfully, there is a bookshelf in the living room and I rip into it with great gusto, lying on the couch with the knitted throw over my feet, reading about Greek history and the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle.

Hey life could be much worse, right? I remind myself that I'm in freaking Greece, on some private island and that this opportunity may never come to me again.

I've settled myself into enjoying the sound of the howling wind and rain falling on the rooftop. I'm quite nifty at making fires and have one permanently going in the living room. For most of the day I lie curled up on the couch with warm socks and loads of hot chocolate and Turkish coffee which I found in the kitchen.

In the last two days I've studied maps of ancient and modern Greece, and I've reveled in the immense depth and intricacies of Greek mythology and astrology.

I'm presently swimming in a sea of my favorite Greek mythological stories, the stories I remember reading in my youth. I wallow in the glorious tales of gods and heroes. Of Medusa, the Argonauts, Eros and Hercules.

It warms my belly like hot soup, trickling through my veins and feeding my soul. I feel the words nourish my creative side that demands fantasy and illogical splendor to exist.

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