Chapter 19 - The Good Doctor

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Chapter 19

Still so many questions left unanswered.

My head is swimming with them. But I have no time to mull over them as I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in." My voice is shaky.

A oldish looking man with greying hair and thick spectacles enters the room. This must be Doctor Peurdo.

Why does he have to look like a school teacher?

I instantly feel ashamed as I think about my situation and him having to examine me while drugged and passed out.

I really need to stop blaming myself! What happened was not my fault. I should not be feeling ashamed.

At that thought I pick up my chin and look the good doctor straight in the eye. I realize there is no reason for me to put on a brave face as my eyes meet the gentle, almost kind soft brown eyes of the doctor.

Tears fill up in my own eyes immediately.

Why the fuck am I so emotional?

Because you were duped into trusting someone who abused that trust and tried to rape you, that's why, dumbass!

I need to...I need to stop torturing myself. I need to reign in my emotions and deal with this.

It wasn't my fault!

"Hello, young lady. I'm so glad to see you awake.  How are you feeling?"

" feel good. Just tired."

I decide to keep my answers short. This isn't my proudest moment. I want it over with as soon as possible.

"Yes, that would be the after effects of the drug. Mr Landers did tell you about that, didn't he?"

"If by Mr Landers you mean Dave...then yes. Yes, he did tell me."

My voice is low. A whisper. Can he even hear me? 

"So, after my initial examination of you, the most I could do for you was keep you comfortable and stable while your body worked the drug out on its own. It was already several hours later since the drug entered your body that I attended to you. All you needed was rest and recovery, plenty of fluids and some calming meds."

He pauses a bit, perhaps waiting for me to ask a question, but I have none at this point.

"I, uh, did a blood test with the permission of Mr Zietman. I take it he's your boyfriend? He's extremely anxious of your situation. We needed to see what drug was used in order to administer the right course of treatment, you see."

Boyfriend? That's a laugh! If only you knew...

"Was I raped? ...I mean did he actually...succeed? You now,"

Gosh, that was difficult saying!

My voice comes out weakly. I hope he heard me. No way, am I repeating that question. It was too painful.

But I need to know. Dave said as much that it hadn't progressed to the point of actual rape but I need to hear it from the doctor.

My mind is still a jumble of disjointed thoughts. I remember bits and pieces of the evening but not in the correct sequence and some moments are a complete blank.

I remember needing to sit down. Next I remember being undressed...

Did I agree to sex with Jack?, that I'm sure of. My mind was made up not to sleep with him even before our encounter.

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