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Harley Anderson

Anything and everything looks
different when you look at it from another perspective than what you usually do. Sometimes it may seem better and other times worse. And most of the time it's way too far out of our comfort zone to try and see things differently so we simply stick to what we know. However, if we just went a little more out there we could find something so incredibly amazing than what we currently know.

I'm woken up from my reverie of thoughts when my door is suddenly slammed open. I remove my eyes from the poster of a 1968 Mustang plastered to my wall to see a pair of brown eyes staring back at me in amusement.

"You need to stop sitting like that." Audrey exclaims and I pout from where I'm sat lying on my bed with my feet against the wall.

"I know, I know." I respond playfully, sitting upright and feeling blood rush to my head from sitting upside down. I hold a hand to my head and groan lightly which Audrey chuckles at. I roll my eyes with a laugh. "Don't feel so smug."

"Too late." She retorts and I laugh at her before standing up with a stretch.

"Why aren't you getting ready yet?" She asks and I roll my eyes.

"If you're referring to that party, I told you I'm not going."

She pouts at me in disappointment as I make my way to my desk and take a seat. "Why not?" She whines and I give her a dubious look.

"Not everyone feels like partying their life away. Plus, I don't even like parties and you know that."

"But have I ever dragged you to one which you didn't have fun at?" She counters, twisting my chair around so I'm forced to look at her. I purse my lips in response, deciding not to say anything. She leans back smugly, her eyes shining in amusement. "My point exactly. So get your ass ready- we're leaving at seven." She calls before slamming my door shut on the way out. I roll my eyes at her retreating figure but a small smile worms its way onto my face.

I'm grateful that Audrey moved in eight months ago after my previous roommate moved out. And I'm not saying that because she's helping me pay for this really nice apartment fifteen minutes away from our college but rather because she's refreshing. I never really had friends in high school- I couldn't- so it's nice to finally have one now who always knows the next place to go to. Audrey is the definition of a party-animal. If she wasn't at a party, she was at a club and if not a club she was at the local pub, doing shots with her boyfriend- Caleb- who was just as outgoing and wild as she was. If I was being completely honest, I didn't understand how they did it- went out all the time, I mean. Audrey was studying architecture which means that, besides her always staring at buildings and commenting on them, she had a busy schedule with work while Caleb was a true football player at a nearby varsity where he was one of the star quarterbacks. He is incredibly good at it- apparently- and he seemed to love doing it but it, too, needs a lot of time which is why I don't understand how they always go out. However, I think they love each other to the point where they'd do anything to see each other.

They really did love each other; that much was clear. You could see it by the way they stared at each other adoringly while they couldn't not smile when they were with each other. It was both heartwarming and heartbreaking simply because some of us have never experienced genuine love at all and probably never will.

I shake my head to wake myself up before I push myself off of my chair and open my cupboards to observe what I have to wear to the party. I settle with a simple denim shirt, a black skirt and block heels which make me seem quite a bit taller than usual. I look down at the outfit displayed on my bed in satisfaction before I bounce over  to my bathroom to start getting ready.

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