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Harley Anderson

I hum to myself as I wipe down the table, reminiscing over the events of last night.

Cameron ended up winning the race- no shock there- despite how close his opponent was. I remember seeing how Cameron's car was turned around and how I felt dread creep up inside of me as I thought that that was it. However, when Cameron started racing while reversing, I couldn't help but scream his name as my eyes widened in awe.

I aspire to be able to race like that one day.

I was completely speechless when his car passed us effortlessly, like driving backwards was a normal thing to do.

I remember throwing myself at him afterwards, his arms wrapping around me tightly. My skin had lit up in flames and I wish we could've stayed like that forever.

I begin to feel slightly uncomfortable, like someone is watching me and I look up to gaze around the café from where I'm wiping the cash register from. I frown to myself as I gaze around and take note of nobody watching me. However, when a customer walks through the door and my eyes move to them, a hooded figure catches my sight through the window.

Their face is shadowed from the hoodie, hands placed in the pockets and back rigid. They look directly at me and I feel my blood run cold, fear creeping its way up my spine.

What the hell?

"Excuse me?" A customer pipes up, blocking my line of vision and I gulp, pushing a forced smile onto my face. When they move over slightly and I look back at where the figure was, he's no longer there and I frown.

I need to get more sleep because it's starting to make me hallucinate.

I shake my head to myself before serving the customer. I check my watch and smile as I see my shift is coming to an end. I hook my apron onto the rack and turn to Allison who is rubbing her stomach with a scowl and I laugh.

"If it makes you feel any better, you look good for a pregnant lady whose in her third trimester." I comment and she rolls her eyes at me playfully.

"Don't lie to me Harley. We both know I look like I've being dragged through the pig's pen." She retorts and I giggle, grabbing my bag.

"See you tomorrow Allison." I say.

"Bye Harley!" She calls out and I wave at her over my shoulder before stalking out and into the parking lot. I climb into my car and switch it on, backing out of the parking lot before heading home.

Am I dreaming about that hooded figure? Or was there really someone there, watching me?

I shiver at the thought.

Who would possibly be stalking me?

A terrifying thought runs through my mind and I shake my head to myself. It can't be my father. He's in prison.

But did he maybe ask someone else to start making my life a living hell?

"Stop being paranoid." I mutter unhappily, annoyed at myself for thinking so irrationally.

People who are sleep deprived see things and it's not like I've being sleeping gloriously either so that is most probably the reason for my weird thoughts. At least I hope it is.

I need to get my life in order.

When I enter my apartment, I toss my keys onto the counter before looking around for Audrey. I pad my way into her room and take note at how empty it is and I roll my eyes.

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