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Harley Anderson

The drive back home is silent, neither of us saying anything.

On my part, It's because I'm exhausted from yesterday's events and from my anxiety attack last night and I am also somewhat pissed that Cameron saw me in a vulnerable state for the second time. But most importantly, we were both quiet because neither of us know what to say, think or feel about being so intimate last night.

And perhaps it would be easier to deal with it if I knew I didn't feel anything, anything at all. However, that isn't the case because I felt so unusually comforted and content when I was laying in his arms last night and I don't like that. I can't start relying on another person, only for them to leave me like the rest did. But besides that, I was also perplexed as to why I even had the guts to ask him for comfort in the first place.

Am I completely losing my mind?

When we pull up outside of my apartment building, Cameron and I both climb out before walking into the elevator together. We stand rather close, our shoulders brushing, and I distance myself so that I can think clearly and I purse my lips as I wait for the doors to open.

As soon as I open the door to my apartment, I am engulfed in a hug that crushes my bones.

"Oh my fucking soul! I was so worried about you." Audrey exclaims and I feel a sense of warmth envelope me because she cares. She pulls back from the embrace to give me a once over and I chuckle.

"We're both fine." I reassure her and she hugs me again.

"I'm so relieved." She breathes out and then she pulls back to glance at Cameron who greets Caleb.

"Are you alright man?" Caleb asks and Cameron nods.

"Yeah, I am. How about you?" He asks and I can hear the concern in his voice.

"Well I am but my car isn't- got a whole bunch of holes." Caleb grumbles and Audrey snickers beside me.

"Can I see how bad it is? I might know a guy who can help you for a decent charge." Cameron asks and Caleb nods, his shoulders slumping in relief.

"Sure. Please pass my keys Auds." He asks and she grabs them off of the kitchen counter before tossing them to him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. I glance at Cameron and when our eyes connect, my breath hitches. However, Caleb calls out to Cameron and he averts his gaze. Before anymore can be said, both boys are exiting the apartment. When the door is closed and it's just Audrey and I left in the room, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"What's the relieved sigh for?" Audrey asks me and I look back up at her.

"Finally being home." I lie because I felt more at home when I was with Cameron last night than when I'm here in this apartment. And it definitely shouldn't be that way.

"Mmh." Audrey hums. "How was your night at a motel with Cameron?" She asks suggestively, leaning against the kitchen counter to face me. I roll my eyes in response.

"It was fine." I say with a shrug.

"Fine? His shirt that you're wearing begs to tell a different story." She smirks and I let out an annoyed sigh as I walk into the kitchen to get an apple.

"I had nothing to sleep in." I explain and she scoffs.

"You think he would've complained about that?"

I gawk at her, my eyes widening, although I feel my cheeks burn slightly at her insinuation. "Oh my gosh Audrey. Could you please stop insinuating things?" I ask and she lets out a loud cackle at my reaction.

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