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Harley Anderson

I gawk at his apartment when I step foot inside of it. Grey walls and white furniture greets me as well as a very airy feel. The kitchen is rather big, leading to an even larger lounge that has a grey couch and a TV screen stuck to the wall. From there is a passage, obviously leading to the bedrooms that are no doubt just as beautiful.

I would wonder how he was able to afford something like this when he's only in college but since I know how much he can earn from a single race, it really is no surprise. However, I do wonder where he keeps all the cars that he wins from the races.

He throws his keys on the marble kitchen counter and tugs off his flannel shirt to reveal his biceps that ripple as he does so. I don't pay much attention to them though...

His tattoo catches my attention and I stare at it in awe as I observe its beauty once more. I'm woken from my thoughts when Cameron calls my name. I snap my eyes to him and clear my throat awkwardly.

"Are you cold?" He asks and I shake my head. Surprisingly, tonight has actually being rather hot. He nods.

"Make yourself at home. I'll fetch you something to sleep in."

He's gone before I can reply and I step further into the room, admiring it. It smells just like Cameron- of leather and lemongrass- and I breathe in deeply. What I do notice though is how he lacks personal belongings. You don't see any pictures lining the walls or ornaments on the counters and shelves and it makes me feel rather confused- why didn't he bring anything with him from Colombia?

He returns a second later in a new white shirt and boxers himself, handing me a black shirt with his hands. I open it up and glance at it.

"It's large enough to cover you up decently but if you want a pair of boxers, let me know."

I nod at him, blushing slightly, before he directs me to his bathroom and I stalk into it. I first wash my face to remove all my makeup before peeling my clothes off and pulling his shirt on. I feel an odd sense of comfort come over me as I catch a whiff of his scent. I glance at the shirt in the mirror and it does indeed cover me decently- coming up to my mid thigh- although I feel slightly uncomfortable putting my legs on full display. I then go on to throw my hair into a ponytail before walking out of the bathroom and back to the kitchen, my hands clutching my belongings to my chest tightly.

His back is turned towards me when I enter the kitchen and I hear the sound of a spoon hitting the sides of a glass.

"Cameron? Where must I put my stuff?" I ask and he turns around to face me, his mug lifted up to his lips. However, it freezes when he catches sight of me and I feel the hairs on my skin stand up. His eyes rake the length of my body, focusing on my legs for longer than necessary, and his Adams apple bops up and down slightly as he meets my eyes and takes a sip of what I assume is tea.

"What?" He asks, his voice sounding distracted.

"My clothes?" I remind him. "Where can I put them?"

"Oh," he nods, as if remembering, before putting his mug down and rounding his kitchen island. He walks down his passage and I take it that I must follow so I do and I soon enter another large room. This one has a double bed pushed up against the wall in the middle with a small but cute balcony on the left. In one corner is a desk but it's not nearly as cluttered as mine. In fact, for a guy especially, his room is remarkably tidy, everything in order.

I pass them to him when he outstretches his hands and he places them on his desk.

"Can I, erm," I say awkwardly, scratching my neck "have a pair of boxers please?"

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