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Harley Anderson

I find myself feeling slightly nervous as I drive to my house. When my mom had called me to come over, it was obvious that she sounded down. I didn't question it though and rather agreed to drop a visit. However, now that I'm also here, I think it would be best to tell her that I'm dating Cameron.

I know that she won't approve or be very pleased about it but I'm not telling her to ask her for permission, I'm telling her because she has the right to know and I wouldn't feel right not telling her about something so important and big in my life.

That's why, as I step into my house, I take in a brave breath in an attempt to prepare myself for telling her the news today.

"Harley!" Mia gushes, tackling me into an embrace as soon as the door is closed behind me. I laugh and return the gesture, patting down her untamable hair.

"How are you Mia?"

She giggles. "I'm fine. C'mon. Mommy is in the lounge watching 'How I Met Your Mother'."

I chuckle as I enter the lounge to see my mom curled up on the couch under a blanket, the remote in her hand as she chuckles at the TV. When she notices my presence, she smiles. However, it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"Hello honey." She greets and I smile, moving to hug her. When she wraps her arms around my neck, my skin throbs slightly due to it still being sensitive from the suspicious dress that burnt my skin with acid yesterday. Gosh, I'm still so confused about that. However, I don't think now is the time to be worrying about that- I'm here to spend time with my mom.

"Hey mom, how are you?" I ask, my eyes taking in her appearance. She looks stressed- her hair is in a fuss and her eyes have dark blue bags underneath them, alluding to the idea that she hasn't slept in days. I frown.

"I'm alright." She reassures me but I don't believe her words. "You want to help me make the chicken pasta?" My mom asks and I nod, following her into the kitchen.

I take the things out of the fridge and she gets all the necessary ingredients before we start cooking in silence. "How are things?" She asks and I glance at her while she makes the sauce. I contemplate telling her now.

"Good..." I say.

"And how are things going with Cameron?" She asks curiously, chopping up l pieces of chicken.

I shrug, chewing on my lip in thought. "Great." I feel her cast me a sideways glance before she laughs.

"Sweetheart, why do I feel like you want to tell me something but are too scared?"

I sigh, stopping from mixing the sauce before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I really want my mom to approve of my relationship with Cameron however, just because she doesn't doesn't mean I'm going to stop seeing him. I feel strongly towards Cameron and I'm not going to pretend like I don't

"I know you don't approve, but I really like him mom. And I'm happy we're together." I confess, feeling relieved to finally get that off my chest.

My mom looks at me for a second too long before looking away and continuing to cut up the chicken. "If he makes you happy, then I'll support you Harley. I love you and just don't want some boy to break your heart."

Her response surprises me and I cock my head to the side, appreciating the fact that she isn't knocking Cameron down. "Thank you." I say softly and she smiles at me before we lapse into silence.

"When did you two get together?" She asks.

"A few days ago." I respond and she nods her head in understanding. "Mom." I say and she hums in acknowledgment.
"What's wrong?" I ask and she looks up to me with a frown.

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