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Harley Anderson

Even though Cameron and I made our feelings for each other very clear, nothing has really come of them. And I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. We confessed how we felt so it is still beyond me as to why we aren't doing anything about them. The thing is that we're still friends but we don't act like friends. Friends don't kiss and make-out or cuddle when they watch a movie or hold hands in the car or make each other breakfast. And that's exactly what we're doing.

We're so much more than friends but so much less than a couple and to say I'm frustrated is an understatement. I'm still new to the dating world but I definitely know that at this point, Cameron and I have no footing. However, I can't seem to disturb it even if its frustrating. I don't want to ruin what we have going.

Whatever it is.

I peep my head inside of my apartment and glance around before opening the door for both Cameron and I. When we're both in the room, I'm hauled into the air from behind and I giggle before Cameron puts me down and wraps his arms around my waist, pushing me towards the kitchen while I giggle like a school girl. He grins down at me before lifting me onto the counter and standing between both of my legs.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he stares at me in adoration, something I'm not used to.

"Have I mentioned I really like you in blue?" He asks and I look down at my blue shirt.

"Maybe that's why I wore it." I tease and he laughs, biting on his lip as he watches me and my eyes stray to watch the movement. When my eyes snap back to his, I scowl.

"You're such a tease." I groan and he laughs, leaning in for a kiss and I peck his lips. However, when the door opens, we both spring apart to see Audrey watching us from the door with wide eyes. I clear my throat and cast her a smile before she looks between Cameron and I.

"Erm," she starts "am I interrupting something?"

I blush, but Cameron pulls away from me. "Not at all. I was just talking to Harley."

She looks between the two of us suspiciously. "Uh huh. Whatever." She waves a dismissive hand "But if you two ever decide to have kitchen sex, I don't want to find one fucking stray pube on the counter."

I splutter on my spit and Cameron's lips quirk into a tiny amused smile. "No need to worry about that Audrey."

She laughs before walking to her room and closing her door behind her, leaving Cameron and I alone.

"I'm going to get going." Cameron says, turning back to me. I frown.


"I've got some stuff to handle at the track." He smiles. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I try and ignore the disappointment I feel at the fact that he has to leave me already. "Okay."

He gives me a quick peck before leaving the room and I can't help but watch his retreating figure with a deflated posture. Is this how it's always going to be? Am I always going to come second to the track and just be here for him to enjoy when it's convenient? Because that's sure how I feel- like I'm just his kiss and go.

I hear Audrey's door creak open and I turn to face her. Her mouth is twitched up into a smile before she looks at my disappointed state. "What's going on between you and Cameron?" She asks and I shake my head, hopping off of the kitchen island and rounding it to do some dishes since I have nothing better to do.

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