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Harley Anderson

"How the hell are they supposed to get back?" I ask Cameron as he strolls out of the house, his hands casually placed in his pockets. "Cameron!" I groan, feeling the need to smack him upside the head. It was times like these that Cameron made his presence extremely annoying and frustrating. "Cameron." I snap.

He turns around abruptly, making me bump into him and I scowl as I rub my forehead. He looks down at me with a blank look and I glare at him for having a rock hard back.

"Caleb isn't drunk. He can drive them back." He deadpans before turning around and walking further down the driveway and into the road where all the cars are parked.

"And what if he ends up drinking? Then neither of them are going to be able to get home." I counter back and Cameron shakes his head to himself, fishing his car keys out of his pockets.

"I trust Caleb will act responsible and stay away from the liquor." He says and I roll my eyes.

"You have so much hope in such party animals." I mutter to myself.

"They're both old enough to make the right decisions."

I sigh, kissing my teeth. "How am I supposed to get home? They were my ride."

Cameron shrugs one of his shoulders, making me frown in annoyance. At this point, we're both walking down the street while I trail after Cameron like a lost puppy.

"So? Catch a cab?"

I groan out loud. "I didn't bring my wallet!"

He turns around and I almost bump into him again but I stop myself before I can. I glare at the man in front of me.

"Why wouldn't you bring your wallet with you?" He asks incredulously and I roll my eyes when he stops walking and faces me.

"I thought I wouldn't need it."

"That was a dumb idea."

"No shit Sherlock."

He narrows his eyes at me and I cross my arms over my chest while I glare at him in frustration. The street light flickers on and off and I feel my nerves slowly start to increase as my heart picks up speed when I suddenly notice how dark it is. I swallow thickly and tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear in an attempt to occupy my trembling hands.

"Get in the car." He suddenly says and I look at him in confusion.


"I'm taking you home." He clarifies, pressing a button on his car keys which makes a nearby Audi R8 unlock. I stare at the car in awe, my mouth falling agape slightly. The silver paint reflects the light of the stars and the sleek car makes my face break into an excited smile despite my previous annoyance at Cameron.

He walks around to the driver's side and opens the door before raising an eyebrow at me. "Are you okay? Or were you also smoking something?"

I close me gaping mouth and roll my eyes before walking to the passenger's side of the car. "Sweet ride." I comment before opening the door.

"Thanks." He mutters before sliding into his seat. I follow after him and once I'm seated in the leather interior, I lean my head back and breath in deeply. I wasn't expecting him to offer me a ride, because he never has, but now I'm curious as to how he even has a car like this. He steps on the gas and pulls off of the curb which makes the engine purr beneath my feet.

"That engine V10 is so amazing." I comment and Cameron glances at me briefly, his eyebrows drawn together in confusion.

"You know about engines?" He asks, almost incredulously, and I raise an eyebrow at him while I sink further into the seats of his car.

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