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Cameron Dawson

Having Harley in the room just outside of the bathroom sends a jolt of unease up me. She had just experienced her first shootout and was now forced to stay with me in this rusty motel that ripped us off.

And despite how horrible the circumstances are, I can't help but feel thankful for the fact that she's okay. Sure, getting shot is a pain in the ass and it's now another scar to add to my body but I'm happy that it was me and not Harley. And it was somewhat relieving to have someone attend to me while I was in pain instead of having to do it for myself. In the past, it was Carla who would have stitched me up but when that came to an end, it was me who had to do it. However, tonight was different because Harley was the one sewing my wound closed and it was comforting to say the least.

But besides that, I'm also curious as to how she even knows how to stitch a cut closed in the first place. It's not like she's sewed it as if it was her first time, in fact it looks like it was one of her many experiences. And that raises a lot of questions in my head because why- why would a girl like Harley need to know something like that?

I look down at my wound and scrutinize it, coming to the conclusion that she's stitched it expertly- better than I probably could have.

I shake my head to myself. Now isn't the time to be asking such questions.

I run hand through my wet hair, making sure that there is no more remnants of my blood in the shower and I let out a sigh of relief from finally feeling fresh and clean- my blood washed off, and fresh clothes that I had in the black bag, on.

I open the door to the room and I notice Harley standing by the window with a phone to her ear and I watch her silently.

"We're fine Audrey." She says. "Yes. I promise... no we're at a motel in the town over... shut up!" She laughs and my lips quirk into a smile at the sound. I was expecting Harley to have a mental breakdown and freak out over everything that's happened tonight but instead she's being rather calm about it which has made it a lot easier for me. I don't know how I would calm her down if she broke down. Not that I would really blame her if she did- tonight was eventful in the worst way possible.

"Yeah, okay. Bye." She says before cutting the call and looking down at her phone in her hands.

"How is Audrey and Caleb?" I ask and she whirls around to face me, her eyes sliding over my appearance before settling on my eyes.

"They're okay. How are you feeling?" She asks and I shrug, getting up from the doorframe I'm leaning on to drop the black bag on the bed.

"I'm fine- aspirin will help with the pain."

She's quiet after that and I look up to see her staring at her feet. "I'm sorry you got shot." She mumbles and I watch her softly.

"It's not your fault. But I hope you can finally see why I told you not to come."

"I don't regret coming despite the events." Her brown eyes snap up to mine in confidence and I let out an aggravated sigh. Why can't she see that she could have being hurt? She could have being killed?
I would never be able to live with myself if Harley got hurt.

"When are you going to learn to listen to me?" I say coldly. "I'm just trying to protect you!"

"And when are you going to learn that I don't care? I wanted to support you and that's what I did." She exclaims, her hands flying up in frustration. I narrow my eyes at her.

"What if this was you who got shot, huh? What then?" I exclaim and she lets out a groan.

"Stop acting like my older brother Cameron! You're not! Okay? For goodness sake." She breathes out and I shut my mouth. "You're not my brother." She mutters softly, her eyes holding an emotion I can't quite depicter and I wish I could pinpoint why exactly I feel a weight on my chest. "I get that you care, Cameron, and trust me when I say I appreciate that. But I don't need you to care. I've learnt to do that for myself."

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