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Harley Anderson

When I finally see his Mustang pull into the parking lot, I let out a relieved sigh. He parks right beside my car and when he climbs out of his and makes his way to me, I take note of the worried look on his face as well as the confusion.

"What's wrong?" He asks me, and I shake my head, pulling his hand to round my car.

"I don't know who the hell did it, why or how they did, but I found this in my car." I explain, opening the passenger door. Cameron frowns at me before looking inside. I watch him carefully.

"What the fuck?" He mutters, picking the doll up and standing to his full height. His eyes slide over the doll before he glances at me in worry and he puts the creepy item down. "Are you sure your car was locked?" He asks and I nod.

"Yes. I don't know how they got in. My car door isn't even damaged so they obviously didn't force it open." I comment and he purses his lips before glancing at my door that is indeed one hundred percent okay.

"Whoever did this knew what they were doing." He mumbles and I chew on my lip nervously. He turns to face me. "You have any idea who it may be?" He asks and I purse me lips.

So I've seen a hooded figure twice and I've stumbled upon two people who definitely made me think they were him. But then again, maybe it was a prank. Maybe it was just a coincidence and I was thinking too much of it. However, now that there's a voodoo doll of me in my car, I don't particularly feel like now is the time to be giving people the benefit of the doubt.

But then again, do I really want to make Cameron worry like this?

"Harley." I hear him press, his voice urgent.

I let out a sigh. "There's being this hooded figure who has followed me twice in the past two weeks. But I haven't seen its face."

"What?" He exclaims. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks incredulously and I kiss my teeth before a blush creeps up my neck.

"I was preoccupied..." I trail off and he catches my drift almost instantly. I've being so focused on my relationship with Cameron that I've being overlooking something a little more serious- a potential stalker who is now making dolls of me.

Cameron shakes his head. "I'll give Frank a call and ask him if anyone else has being experiencing the same thing." He says and I nod as he closes my door.

"There's his car. Maybe he's still around here." I point out to Cameron and he glances at it before looking back at me with a frown.

"That's not his car."

I frown at him and look back at the car in the distance, remembering the day I saw him in it.

There's lots of other cars like that.

I nod to myself. That's true.

I shrug my worries off as Cameron picks up the doll. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and takes a picture of it before tossing it in a nearby trashcan. When he walks back to me, I give him a tight smile while I still feel uneasy and slightly frightened. Cameron takes note of my expression and clips my chin so that I'm looking up to him. His eyes dance between my own and he sighs.

"Don't worry about it Harley." He says and I nod, trying to make myself believe his words.

"It's just kind of creepy. That's all."

He nods. "I know but I'm here alright? So please tell me if something like this happens again."

I nod. "I will." Although I hope something like this doesn't happen again.

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