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Harley Anderson

"You have no idea how grateful I am to be going home." I mumble and both Dr Philip and Danté chuckle.

"Just remember to take it easy Harley. Your body still hasn't fully recovered yet." Dr Philip reminds me and I nod, tired of hearing his constant reminder. I can feel my body hasn't fully recovered yet, I don't need someone to inform me of it.

Danté comes to my side as I stand up and I shake a little before regaining my balance. Over the last few days I have begun walking more to get me back on my feet but it still feels weird since I've being in bed for most of my stay here.

"You okay?" Danté asks and I nod, holding onto his hand for support. He grabs the bag filled with my things and we leave the hospital after Dr Philip signs me out. The minute I sink into Danté's leather seats, I sigh in content.

He starts up the car and we begin our journey home. "Does your mom know you're staying with me?" Danté asks in the silence and I shake my head.

"No. She'd probably throw a fit if she did." I respond. Not staying with my mom is the same reason why I'm not staying with Audrey. I need to make sure that I don't drag anyone else into this. Danté doesn't need more people to worry about.

When we pull up outside of his apartment, I feel a wave of comfort come over me. However, when I see the empty parking space that was once occupied by my Mustang, my heart drops slightly at the thought that I ruined my most amazing car ever.

"Come on." Danté says, climbing out of the car and helping me into the elevator that takes us up to his floor. As we enter the apartment, I look around. It feels like I haven't being here in decades. And in general, the apartment looks like someone hasn't being in it for a while. There is no plates in the sink and the couch isn't crinkled from a body being pressed into it. 

Before I can even register it, I feel a whole bunch of emotions surrounding me and tears spring to my eyes as I realize the seriousness of this situation. The fact that Frank is the one after us, I was in an accident and put in a coma and the fact that Frank is still out there. Along with that, I don't think I'll ever be able to race again. Not when I remember the image of smashing into that tree.

I feel Danté snake an arm around my waist and I turn to him to connect his lips with mine. They move in sync and I stand on my tippy-toes before wrapping an arm around his neck. His hands move from my waist to my lower back, pulling me into him, but my arm in a cast prevents us from concealing the gap. I break away with a frustrated sigh.

"This is difficult." I grumble, looking down at the ugly cast covering my arm.

Dantè kisses my forehead. "You'll get the hang of it."

I give him a small smile, wishing I didn't have to get used to it but knowing I have no choice either.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asks and I purse my lips. Food has being the last thing on my mind.

"Waffles would be fine."

Danté shakes his head with a smile. "I'll make you waffles but you need some actual food Harley."

I gasp. "Waffles are food!"

"I mean a meal." He adds and I roll my eyes.

"How about you make whatever you want and I just eat it? I'm not really hungry either."

He nods, pulling away from me and heading to the kitchen. "Let's see what I can do."

I watch as he starts pulling ingredients out and throwing them into the pot. It's like for a just a second, everything is okay. Like everything is normal.

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