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Harley Anderson

"So how are things going with Cameron?" Audreys asks, waggling her eyebrows suggestively from where she's sat on my bed, paging through a book of buildings.

I smile to myself, painting another coat of white nail polish over my pinkie finger. "Its going great." I respond and she giggles at me.

The day Cameron had asked me out on a date, Audrey had being with me. I couldn't hide my excitement from her so I confessed that there was something going on between Cameron and I. Audrey was so excited and kept telling me how she thinks we're perfect for each other. It makes me so happy that Audrey is supportive of my relationship with Cameron.

"I have never shipped a couple so hard in my life." She comments and I laugh before closing the bottle of nail polish.

"How are things with Caleb?" I ask, knowing that she was worried about sleeping with him the other day.

She nods her head. "Good. I can't believe I was stressing for something so stupid."

I shake my head. "It wasn't stupid." I tell her and she sighs.

"Maybe. But I know he loves me and we're together for more than just sex."

I smile at her. "I'm really happy for you."

She looks up to me with a grin. "How about we go out tonight and celebrate your 'no longer single' title?"

I laugh, standing up from my desk chair with a laugh. "I can't tonight. Cameron said he's taking me out for dinner."

She smirks. "Mmh... I wonder what dinner he could be referring to."

I gawk at her before rolling my eyes. "Audrey!"

She cackles, throwing her head back. "I'm just kidding. Maybe we can go out another time?"

I nod my head. "Definitely." I check the time on my phone before reaching out for my handbag on my bed. "My shift starts in ten. I'll see you later." I tell her and she gives me a wave before I walk out my room and building and into my car.

Joe's Coffee Shop is unusually busy when I enter and I look around with a frown before settling on Allison who looks like death warmed up. I round the counter and grab my apron off of the rack.

"Why is it so busy?" I ask her and  she sighs, handing a customer his coffee.

"I have no idea."

I let out a sigh before grabbing my small notepad and pen and heading for table number eleven.
I serve a family of four and write down their long order before handing it to Allison who recites it to the chef. It goes on like this for the rest of my shift- me running around like a headless chicken to try and get to all the customers before they start complaining and making life difficult.

By the time my shift has come to an end, I'm exhausted from going back and forth and in dire need of a break. The shop is a lot quieter now, rush hour having come to an end. I'm busy wiping a table down when I feel a familiar presence looming behind me. I turn to Frank with a smile.

"Hey Officer Frank." I greet and he smiles at me.

"Hey Harley. How're you today?"

I let out a chuckle. "Tired but definitely good. How about you? How was work?"

He chuckles, shrugging, before slipping into the table I've just wiped down. "I'm alright and work was fine- nothing interesting,"

I nod with a smile. "Do you want the usual?" I ask and he purses his lips.

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