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Harley Anderson

I stir in my sleep, feeling unusually comfortable and warm. I snuggle closer to my warmth and relish in the feeling before my eyes slowly peel open. That's when I remember where I am and I look to my side to see Cameron sleeping on his side, his arms holding me close while I steal his warmth.

The TV is still on, quietly playing Need for Speed while Cameron sleeps soundlessly, his hair flopping into his face. The last thing I remember is sitting on the couch with him, a bowl of popcorn between us before my eyes slowly closed to my sleepiness.

And now I end up here?

I slowly sit up, letting out a frustrated sigh to myself, before I check the time on the TV. My eyes widen when I see it reads eleven at night and begrudgingly pull away from Cameron. He stirs in his sleep and I watch him silently. With him being asleep, I can observe his features shamelessly; the way he has a slight bit of freckles over his nose, how his soft and rosy lips part as he sleeps, the way his thick lashes touch his cheeks and the way his defined jaw twitches as he clenches his teeth subconsciously.

I look away in embarrassment.

Have I gotten so low that I now stare at hot guys in their sleep?

I slip on my shoes quietly and glance at him once more before chewing on my lip and looking away. Why doesn't it bother me that I can be so close to him without feeling uncomfortable? I've never liked people invading my personal bubble but when it comes to Cameron it's almost like I want him to. I love the way I feel so secure in his arms and the scent of him that invades my senses.

I frown to myself.

I can't feel anything towards him- he's just a friend whose doing me a favour and teaching me to race. Besides, why would he go for a girl like me? Someone who has so much baggage when he can go for a much more beautiful girl who can offer him more than I ever will. More than I can.

I feel my heart ache a little.

I stand up and reach for my phone when he moves on the couch and his eyes peel open. They're laced with sleep and I smile down at him. "Sorry to wake you. I'm just heading home." I say softly and he frowns, sitting up on his elbows.

"What time is it?" He croaks, his voice raspy.

"Eleven. I should have being home a while ago." I mumble and he shakes his head.

"Just stay the night. I don't mind. And you already have my clothes on anyway." He tries to persuade me and I shake my head.

"I can't keep overstaying." I respond and I make a move to grab my car keys on the table in the center when he grips my hand. I look up to him.

"We both know that if I didn't want you to stay, I wouldn't have asked."

I stare at him, chewing on my lip in thought. Maybe it's a bad idea- getting close to Cameron when I already feel this way- but I would much rather be with him than in my own room and I feel that goes to show more than I want.

I let out a sigh. "Okay,"

He smiles happily at me. "Do you want tea?"

"That'd be nice thank you." I smile and he nods, standing up before entering the kitchen to make some. He pulls out two mugs and teabags and I watch him do so from where I take a seat on the kitchen island. A few minutes later and I'm sipping my tea while he does the same from where he's sat in front of me on a barstool.

I look around his house and take note of the light. "Thank you for leaving the light on for me." I say softly. The fact that he left the light on so that I could sleep peacefully warms my heart. He smiles softly.

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