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Harley Anderson

When I'm done with my shift, Cameron and I hit the road to the track despite it still being rather early. The ride is pleasant- quiet but peaceful- and allows me to think things through over the last few hours. By the time we arrive at the track, my mind is sore from thinking  but the excitement from being at the track again makes me forget that.

I'm surprised to see the amount of people at the track already but Cameron isn't fazed at all, allowing me to see that it isn't anything unusual. He parks his car inside and climbs out before I do the same. I follow him as we walk inside the building but I don't miss the stares that are casted my way.

The room we enter is a bar and it's not nearly as empty as it should be for this time of the evening. The red lights and dark furniture makes me gaze around in awe before I notice the various kinds of people sitting on the chairs.

"So this is the bar?" I ask Cameron and he nods, leading me by the small of my back.

"Yep. This is where all the racers come to get drunk."

"Including you?" I ask cheekily and he scoffs.

"No, not me."

I smile at his response. He leads us to a guy sitting at the bar, his hands lifting a glass of whiskey up to his mouth, who is beside another guy with strikingly white hair.

"Mason." Cameron greets, slapping a hand on the guy before returning his attention to the other guy. "Ryan."

I recognize both of them as being Cameron's friends I met one time I came to watch him race and I narrow my eyes at the guy with the name of Ryan. He seemed to be quite flirtatious and suggestive.

"Cam." Mason returns the greeting, standing up to give Cameron a hug. Ryan simply nods his head in response. Mason's eyes then stray to me and I take note of his attractiveness. He almost gives me the 'boy-next-door' kind of vibe.

"Harley right?" He asks with a quirk of his lips and I nod with a smile.


Mason grins at me. "It's nice to see you again."

"Likewise," I respond. Before our conversation can continue any further, a familiar short stocky man exits out of another room, a phone pressed to his ear before he scowls and cuts the call. He slips the device into his pockets and when his eyes land on Cameron they light up.

"Ah! Cameron!" He exclaims and Cameron looks over at him with a smile.

"Emery." He nods and the man who is shockingly intimidating for his height glances at me, his eyes lighting up in curiosity. His eyes slide back to Cameron.

"This is Harley." Cameron introduces me and Emery glances at him for a little longer before smiling at me.

"It's lovely to meet you." He nods and I smile.

"You have a lovely track here." I comment honestly and he chuckles.

"Do you race?" He inquires and I shake my head before Cameron answers for me.

"Not yet."

Emery nods in understanding. "Are you going to watch the race tonight?"

I nod. "Definitely. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

The man smiles at me, the wrinkles from years of stress making an appearance. "Cameron doesn't usually introduce me to anyone so I'm taking it that you're a rather special person. Therefore, a friend of Cameron's is a friend of mine- you're welcome here anytime Harley."

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