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Harley Anderson

I close my apartment door behind me and walk into the living room where Fallout Boys is playing. I chuckle under my breath before Audrey appears. Her ginger hair is wavy like always although it seems like she's curled it to enhance the waves just a little bit. Her face has light makeup except for the smokey eye that enhances her almond eyes. Along with that, she's clad in a leather skirt and band tee paired with knee high boots.

"You look nice." I compliment her, walking over to the fridge. "Where are you going so dolled up?" I take out a yoghurt and peel the covering off.

"You mean where are we going..."

I freeze from eating the yoghurt.
"I'm not going anyway. I just got back from practice with Cameron."

She shakes her head. "We need to celebrate the fact that you're no longer single and the fact that you won your first race. C'mon. Don't you think it'll be fun just having a girl's night?"

I ignore the temptation to tell her that I didn't actually win out of my ability and rather ponder over her words.

I did tell her we would go out sometime...

"Fine." I give in and she squeals excitedly before gripping my hand and dragging me to my room, my yoghurt long forgotten. She pushes me towards my cupboard and takes a seat on my bed. I roll my eyes at her and open my cupboards, rummaging through various clothing before I look back at her.

"Where are we actually planning on going?"

"A club is opening downtown." She responds and my eyebrows raise in surprise.

"A club?"


I sigh, knowing that I probably don't have anything suitable to wear to a club. "I don't think I have anything to wear to a club, Auds." I confess and she rolls her eyes, pushing me to the side with a dismissive hand.

"Nonsense. Every girl has a little something for a club."

I roll my eyes as she looks through my clothing, pulling out sweaters, summer dresses and button up shirts before she pulls a pair of black skinny jeans out that have a few rips and a white shirt that's skintight with spaghetti straps. It's a silky material, making it look all the more fancy and Audrey gasps.

"This! You'd look super hot." She gushes, pushing the items of clothing into my hand. I look down at it with a smile.

"I like it, Auds." I say and she smiles smugly.

"Of course you do."

I laugh at her pride before chasing her out of my room so that I can put the clothing on. I decide to wear it with my usual pair of wedges that add a few extra inches to my height. Audrey grins at me when she enters my room again before helping me curl my hair. After that, I apply my usual light makeup and grab my bag before we both head out of our apartment and hit the road to the club.

"We're going to have so much fun!" Audrey giggles in the car and I giggle too.

"I sure hope so."


The club is everything I expected it to be; loud, beautifully decorated, dark, crowded with drunk people and lots of dancing. Clubs have never really being my thing but I think that just spending time with Audrey for a night would do me some good. Audrey has become someone I've come to care deeply about and I enjoy spending time and laughing with her- one of the reasons why I think tonight is going great so far.

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