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Harley Anderson

My mind is still dwelling on the moment that Cameron and I shared when I'm walking him back to his car.

I slip my hands into my back pockets. "I've being meaning to ask how the track is? Do you guys know who called the cops up?" I ask Cameron and he nods, turning to face me once we're by his car.

"Yeah. Turns out the sleaze bag was pissed I took his Dodge Charger." He says and my mouth falls agape.

"So he ratted out his own gang?" I ask incredulously and Cameron let's out a laugh.

"Seems like it. But Scorpion has dealt with him and we can all guess that he didn't walk out- he probably crawled."

I nod in response. "And Emery? Aren't the cops going to give him trouble now?"

Cameron shakes his head. "He has a friend who's a cop. He helped him out."

I shake my head with an amused smile. The man knows how to run an illegal business.

I then look up at Cameron who leans against his car. He winces, however, before changing his position. I narrow my eyes at him.
"Is it your wound?" I ask and he looks at me before nodding.

I purse my lips. "Let me see it. Maybe you have an infection." I say, stepping forward and reaching for his shirt. However, he grabs my hand to stop me and my eyes connect with his.

"Harley, I'm fine." He responds sternly and I roll my eyes.

"I think we both know that I'm not going to remove my hands so you can either let me just look at it or we can argue until I piss you off to the point where you give in." I respond back bluntly and he purses his lips before letting go of my hands and I smile smugly, lifting his shirt up slightly to reveal the wound that I stitched closed.

My hands itch to touch his defined abs and his v-line makes me want to stare but I internally scold myself for even thinking such a thing. I gently touch the stitches to which he tenses slightly  at and I remove my hands from his cold skin, dropping his shirt down and taking a step back.

"Its fine." I say.

"I told you." He retorts and I roll my eyes.

"Thank you for coming to help me." I say softly and he smiles at me.

"I'll let you know when it's fixed." He tells me and I nod in response, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.


We lapse back into silence and I look down at my feet. "Thank you for joining us for lunch. It was nice."

His features soften as he looks at me and it stirs a sense of warmth within me. I love the way his features soften for me, like he thinks of me differently to everyone else.

You're not.

An inner voice tells me.

You're just another person.

I frown. Why doesn't it feel that way then?

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Cameron asks and I nod vigorously.

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