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Harley Anderson

"The case of the missing detective- Frank Lopez- still has no leads, even after two weeks, with nobody knowing where he is. It is said that the last person to see him was his work colleague who saw nothing suspicious going on." The reporter says on the TV. When a woman with blonde hair steps in front of the camera with tears running down her face, I switch the black box off and reach for my bag.

As I turn around, I bump into Danté who walks out without a shirt out and is still wiping his damp hair with a towel. "You ready?" He asks and I nod, pushing my hair back.


"Aren't you struggling with only one arm?" He asks and I shake my head. If I could shoot a man with one arm, I'm sure I can take orders.

"Nope." I step forward and place one hand behind his neck before kissing his lips. "We should get going." I say and he nods, walking away to put a shirt on. When he comes back, he grabs his car keys and we leave the apartment.

The car ride is silent and when he pulls up outside of Joe's Coffee Shop I peck his cheek. "See you later."

He grabs my wrist before I can leave and I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Take it easy." He tells me and I nod, shuttling his car door on the way into the shop. The shop smells of coffee, like usual, and I almost look around to try and spot Frank sitting at his usual table, waiting for me to take his order of coffee and an apple tart. I don't though and instead carry on until Joe spots me behind the counter and smiles widely at me.

"Harley!" He exclaims before hugging me. "How are you?"

I smile. "Good and you?"

He waves a hand dismissively. "I'm perfect. I'm so glad you decided to come back to work this week."

Even though my arm is still in a cast and I'm not fully recovered yet, I've decided to come back to work this week. The longer I stay home, the more I lose my sanity. Besides, I need start getting back into my usual routine now that spring break is over next week. And even though I can drive myself as long as it's automatic- that's how I got to the lot that day- Danté still insists on driving me.

"I'm glad to be back." I say honestly. However, Danté isn't. But he couldn't sway my decision this time.

"Things have being so quiet without you and Allison." Joe explains and I nod.

"At least Allison is taking being a mother well." I respond, remembering how excited she was when I visited her the other day.

"Of course." Joe chuckles before reaching for my apron and handing it to me. I pull it on and he ties it for me. "You can work the cash register today, that alright?" He asks and I nod. He smiles and walks towards the door leading to the kitchen. However, before he enters the room he turns back to me. "Also is there any chance you can lock up for me? I got a meeting tonight and Allison was supposed to lock up today."

I nod. "Sure thing."

"Thank you Harley. You're a life saver."

My smile falters.

Joe leaves the room and I sigh, my eyes trailing to the seat that was once always occupied by Frank. It's being two weeks since I... killed him and I've never had such unusual sleeping patterns, such terrifying nightmares and so much guilt on my shoulders. Danté has tried to support me as much as he can but he can't take the guilt for me. Neither of us really speak about that day, knowing that it's better we don't. But he's always there when I cry after a nightmare or when I can't sleep.

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