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Harley Anderson

It was a stupid idea coming here- I'll admit that much- but I couldn't not come. Sure, I knew Cameron told me not to come and sure, I could see why by the people who were here, but that didn't change the fact that I felt like I needed to support him. Hr was racing for a hundred grand and the reputation of the track- how could I not come?

And along with that, he told me I should hate him and despite that seeming plausible, I could never bring myself to do it because even though he could be an absolute dick sometimes and made me want to punch him now and then, I can see that there's more to Cameron than just his brooding character and blank faces.

I saw that when he had breakfast with Mia and I. He was a different person and I would even be crazy enough to say he let his walls down for me. And I genuinely enjoyed his company that day. He wasn't so stoic and emotionless and he was surprisingly good with Mia.

Perhaps I also came simply because he told me not to and I wanted to prove a point but I knew deep down, that wasn't the reason. It was because I cared enough about him to show up and although that rattles my brain, I can't deny it.

But the question that still burned in the back of my mind was why he thought I should hate him... why he even thought I would do that.

I'm woken up from my reverie of thoughts when someone bumps into me and I pull my jacket around me tighter as I look around for his familiar Mustang. I didn't tell Audrey and Caleb what this race is really about but I did let them know it was a rather big one which was how I got them to drag me here- not that it took much persuasion. I wanted to make sure I got to see the full race which is why I'm currently looking around for the Mustang while Caleb and Audrey try and find a decent parking spot amongst all the chaos.

I understand why Cameron told me not to come though- I could see it. The kinds of people who were strolling around today were much different to those that were here most evenings. These people were covered in ink and piercings with shaven heads and leather-everything. They look at me like I'm a lamb lost in wolf territory and as much as it unsettles me, I don't find myself turning away.

Instead, I'm suddenly lurched to the side which makes me squeal in surprise and I spin around on impact in an attempt to punch my attacker.

"What the hell are you doing here?" A voice hisses lowly and I'm relieved to see that it's Cameron gripping my arm and not some other person. My shoulders slump in relief although my heart speeds up because I wasn't planning on bumping into Cameron before his race. I was only going to make a point to see him after so he couldn't force me to go home. "I thought I told you not to come." He exhales, his annoyance clear by his scowl. I shrug his hand off of me.

"And I thought you knew I wasn't going to listen."

And it was true. I thought he would realise that I was stubborn and rebellious when I wanted to be.

He lets out an aggravated sigh. "Damn it Harley. When are you going to learn to listen for Pete's sake?"

I frown at him. "I'm fine. What's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal?" He asks incredulously, his russet brown eyes staring at me in frustration. "The big deal is that I told you not to come because I care about whether or not you get hurt and you still did that exact thing- you came- when I specifically asked you not to."

I stare up at him and slowly let guilt fill my being. He cares? I don't know when was the last time I've had someone who genuinely cares besides my mother. However, how do I even know that what he's saying is true? He could be bullshitting me like everyone else has ever done.

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