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Harley Anderson

When I manage to open my eyes, I feel exhaustion take over my body as well as fear.

Am I dead yet?

I move my arms and take note of the cushioned surface before lifting my head up and looking around. I feel relief that I'm no longer in a basement but I still feel fearful due to not knowing where I am. I glance around the room until I notice the familiarity.

"Cameron?" I croak out. My voice is hoarse and I can't make out if I'm dreaming. Perhaps this is some sick joke from my imagination. I look at my clothing to see me in a pair of long tracksuit pants and a hoodie that smells exactly like Cameron.

"Harley." I hear a voice say and I look up to Cameron who is watching me intently.

I'm not dead. I'm still alive and I'm no longer stuck in the basement of some sick psycho. I feel a sob rise up in my throat. "Cameron." I choke out, the tears slipping out of my eyes. He's by my side in a second, pulling me into his side. His presence provides me with comfort and security and I revel in the feeling.

"You're okay. I've got you." He whispers soothingly and I cry out, the memories of the basement haunting me. His firm hold of me makes me cry harder. I thought I'd never see him again.

When I pull back from his embrace, I press a hand to my forehead, feeling a pounding headache coming along. Cameron helps me lay down and he watches me intently.

"How'd you find me?" I ask. I thought Cameron would never find me in the basement.

"Mason saw you being taken. I was able to find out which basement you were in." He says and I nod.

"Do you know who it was?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"No. But I recognized the voice. I was drugged though so I couldn't tell who it was." I respond. "He also knows about you Cameron. Someone else knows you're not really Cameron."

He averts his gaze and clenches his jaw. "I know. I'm going to find out who he is. For now, you need to rest hermosa."

I nod and lean further into my seat. "Please don't go." I beg. "He... he locked me in a basement and switched off the lights. Just like my father used to. I- I" I burst into sobs again and Cameron wraps his arms around me. I cry into his chest until I feel myself fall asleep.

Only it isn't a peaceful one because it's filled with monsters of the dark again.


My body is still sore when I wake up the next morning and my mind is still exhausted from the never ending memories. I feel uncomfortable, constantly on edge and wary.

I don't even know how it happened. One second I was sitting outside of the club and the next I was being drugged. And the thing that scares me is that this is because someone is mad at Cameron- I'm the pawn in this equation. I know that things were bad in Colombia for Cameron but I didn't think we'd have some lunatic kidnapping me.

What's even more frightening is the fact that the psycho knows how much I hate the dark and basements. I haven't told anyone other than Olivia and Cameron so how the hell does he know? Did I slip up to someone maybe? Accidentally leave a too obvious clue?

Damnit. I just have so many questions running through my mind.

Like who it was, why they sounded so familiar and how they even know about Cameron and I. It's like a never ending loop of questions with absolutely zero answers.

I feel a presence behind me and I look over my shoulder to Cameron who leans against his doorframe. He gives me a soft smile and I return to gesture despite my exhaustion.

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