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Harley Anderson

I chew on the back of my pen in thought before sketching an idea down. After reading it over, my nose scrunches up in disgust and I scratch it out with a sigh. I lean back in my chair in frustration, running a hand through my hair before closing my notepad and grabbing a nearby book instead.

When I can't find the inspiration to write anything, reading is my go-to. It allows me to get my creative juices going while also providing a escape so that I can distract myself. I read a lot which is why my shelf is stacked to the brim with books that have been read numerous times.

Reading is a magical experience. Writers are creating colourful images in our minds with words of black and white on brown pages. They can make you feel all sorts of things; they are soldiers with snipers and the words are the bullets.

I'm turning my fifth page when I hear Audrey enter our apartment with Caleb trailing after her. She stubs her toes along the way and lets out a chain of curse words before Caleb laughs at her. When she finally enters my room, I raise an amused eyebrow at her.

"You should wash your mouth out with soap." I tease and she playfully glares at me.

"Physiologists have proven that you feel better after you swear."

I let out a snort. "Leave it up to you to put that study to good use."

She laughs lightly at me just as Caleb shouts: "Agreed!"

"Oh shush!" She yells back which I chuckle at. She rolls her eyes at me. "I bought cinnamon buns by the way." She says, walking out of my room before I trail after her.

I walk towards the shopping bag on the kitchen island and pull the pack out before breaking a bun off for myself. As soon as I take a bite of it, I let out a content sigh which makes Caleb and Audrey laugh at me.

"Where were you two?" I ask, passing the buns to Caleb.

"Practice." He says and I nod.

"How was it?" I ask Caleb and he smiles at me, his blue eyes twinkling.

"It was actually pretty good."

"Which is why..." Audrey interrupts us "we're celebrating."

I roll my eyes. "You'll literally find any excuse to celebrate won't you?" I ask incredulously and she smiles proudly.

"It's also spring break! That's a good reason to celebrate don't you think?" She counters back and I laugh.

"I was at a party last Friday, Audrey. I'm not really interested in spending today at another one."

Her and Caleb both give each other sideway glances that seem awfully suspicious and I stop chewing, eyeing the both of them with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't like the way you guys are looking at each other." I mutter and Audrey giggles.

"We aren't going to a party tonight." Caleb says.

"We're going to a car race." Audrey says and I immediately freeze, my eyes looking up to hers in excitement. As much as I would love to stay home and relax today, I can't miss a car race. I'll do anything to watch a bunch of beautiful masterpieces race each other. However, due to my love for cars, I usually get to know about these races before Audrey which makes suspicion crawl up my spine.

"This isn't legal is it?" I ask her slowly and she licks her lips before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I don't feel comfortable going somewhere I can get arrested Audrey." I say, knowing that I'm right.

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