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Cameron Dawson

The engine purrs beneath my feet and I watch the rapidly approaching curve.

"You can do this Harley." I say and as soon as we reach the curve, she lifts her foot off the accelerator. She twists the steering wheel and the car moves along with the road before she presses her foot back on the gas, changing the gears and making  sure that the car picks up speed again. She's a little rusty when she picks up speed, on the verge of stalling, but she regains control before she loses it.

My lips stretch into smile before I look at her to see her grinning excitedly. "Oh my gosh! Did you see that? I actually did it!" She exclaims and I chuckle at her reaction.

"Wasn't that hard, was it?" I tease and she smiles at me before slowing the car down to a halt.

"I can't believe I actually got it right." She shakes her head to herself, her excitement radiating.

"How did it feel?" I ask curiously and she smiles softly.

"Like I didn't have a care in the world."

I nod with a small, crooked smile.
"That's when you know you're doing it right."

We stare at each other for a moment before I look at my watch. "We need to head back. The race at the track starts at eight."

She unbuckles her seatbelt. "You racing tonight?"

"I race nearly every night."

She nods and plays with the end of her shirt. "Is Audrey and Caleb going?" She asks and I narrow my eyes before shrugging in response.

"As far as I know."

She nods and kisses her teeth.

"Are you coming?" I ask curiously and she shrugs, retying her hair into a ponytail.

"I don't know. Why? Are you inviting me?" She asks with a sly smirk, her eyes that are covered with thick lashes, swimming in amusement. My lips twitch up into a smile.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Harley." I quip teasingly. She lets out a small chuckle and I follow suit.

"C'mon." I say, climbing out of the car so we can switch seats again. When I'm back behind the wheel and we're on our way back home, I wonder how Harley manages to get under my skin when nobody else can. It's frustrating. I don't like the fact that she has the power to do that to me.

My whole life I've being taught that showing emotion is a weakness and it was something I mastered; controlling them and acting like I didn't have any.

But Harley makes it a little difficult for me. And as much as it is annoying, perhaps it is a good thing.

Because at least this way I know I'm human.

Even if I'm only half.


The track is bustling with activity when I return and I park my Mustang inside where people gawk at it with wide eyes. I climb out and lock my car before slipping it into my pockets.

"Bro!" Mason calls out as I walk inside the bar that is so full I can barely breathe.

"Hey man." I greet and he nods his head in the direction of the betting room. That is where you could bet for the races and handed in the cash you were putting on the line or the documents for your car. A lot of people also bet on racers, determining who they thought would win. Most of the time I was their go to racer which meant I brought a lot of money in for numerous people since I hadn't lost a race in the last two years. Betting on racers was a quick and easy way to get money however, it could also cause a lot of issues because if someone bets that you'll win and lays twenty grand on the table only for you to lose, they get pretty pissed off and often look to start fights with you.

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