2K 101 14

Cameron Dawson

When I pull upside of her house, my nerves suddenly make an appearance as well as the temptation to turn back around. What the hell was I thinking agreeing to have lunch with her family?

It's not long before the front door is flung open and a familiar little girl  comes running towards the car. As soon as Harley steps foot outside of my Mustang, she's tackled at the waist by Mia.

"Whose car is this?" Mia asks Harley and Harley looks at me through the glass, beckoning me over.

"It's Cameron's."

"Oh, that mister we had waffles with?"

Harley laughs with a nod of her head. "Yeah."

I open my car door and climb out, Mia turning to face me with a smile. "Hello again Mister." She greets and my lips quirk into a small smile.

"Hello Mia."

"I like your car." She says and I glance at it.

"Your sister does too."

"Obviously," she giggles.

However, I'm not able to say anything more when Harley interrupts me. "Mom!" She greets and I return my gaze, only to fixate it on a tall lady holding Harley with a smile. When she removes herself from Harley's embrace and her eyes slide to me, they widen ever so slightly and I find myself straightening.

"Erm, this is Cameron- my friend." Harley introduces me and her mom gives me a tight smile, her lips thinning. I stick my hand out to her.

"It's lovely to meet you ma'am." I say and she relaxes slightly, shaking my hand before letting go and glancing subtly at Harley.

I don't blame her for reacting this way- I would also be a little shaken if my daughter brought home a guy like me.

"Well lunch is ready so come on in." Her mother's smooth voice insists and I nod, following Harley inside of their house. Their house is small- nothing too extravagant- but it is still beautifully decorated to create a homely feeling that makes you feel relaxed. The house that is mainly beige and brown makes me remember my house back in Colombia- it was humongous. I remember the twelve rooms- excluding the kitchen and whatnot- and the extravagant and luxurious garden that always had the bushes cut to perfection and the lawn the darkest green. Our large gate always had two guards patrolling in case someone felt like avenging my father. It was beautiful, no doubt, but it lacked love and comfortability that makes a house feel like a home. I never felt at ease in that house, I felt so much more comfortable in Carla's one story, two bedroom house that was crammed with numerous items that her father hoarded.

I'm woken up from my reverie of thoughts when I walk into the dining room and Harley calls out my name. "Yeah?" I ask and her hazel eyes watch mine carefully.

"Would you like something to drink? Camomile tea?" She asks and the fact that she knows what I usually drinks makes me smile.

"That would be great thanks."

She smiles at me before padding her way into the kitchen and switching on the kettle. I take the time to gaze around and when picture frames catch my attention, I gaze at them.

The first one I look at is a picture of Harley's mom with Harley herself. It looks recent and I come to the conclusion that they look hardly related. In fact, they don't look related at all. Harley's mom has a much more gaunt face with a round nose and thin lips. Her eyes are almond shape and a dark chocolate color while her cheeks are a constant rosey colour. Harley doesn't have those features- hers are more angelic, soft but defined.

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