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Harley Anderson

"Can you stop?" I hiss in exasperation, causing Cameron to glare at me in annoyance.

"If you don't like it, you don't have to be here." Cameron retorts and I roll my eyes.

"Why do you have to be so rude about it?" I snap. "If you can't see; I've being getting it right. What else do you want?"

His russet brown eyes narrow and he clenches his jaw. I look ahead, the tenseness in the car almost unbearable. We've being doing the same thing for the last two hours and if I wasn't getting it; I would totally understand why he was forcing me to keep on doing it. However, that's not the case. I got it so why does Cameron have to act like a dick and go on as if I haven't?

"You need to get it right." Cameron says, his voice terse. My hands fly up into the air in frustration.

"I have!"

"I'm only doing this because I know you can do better."

I sigh. "I don't know what more you want me to do."

"Just start up the damn car, Harley." He demands and I kiss my teeth, my frustration hitting it's peak and I start up the car, doing as he says and doing exactly what I did yesterday and for the past two hours. I turn the car with the curve as it approaches and when I'm back on the straight road, I pick up speed again before I slow down to a halt. I then turn to Cameron with an incredulous look.

"Did that satisfy your expectations or are you still going to be a sour ass about it?" I say, my voice sarcastic. He licks his lips before shaking his head at me.

"Let's swap, we're heading back." He mutters and I sigh as he climbs out of the car and comes to my side. He opens the door for me and I climb out, heading to the passenger seat. The minute he's behind the wheel, he steps on the gas as we head home and I look out the window while wishing I could slap some sense into the boy beside me. The atmosphere is tense and thick, it obvious that we're both pissed at each other.

However, I feel a slight tinge of guilt in my gut. How can I get upset with him when he's just trying to help me improve? He believes that I can do better and I should be grateful about that instead of acting like a bitch. If Cameron- the amazing racer that he is- thinks I'm capable of more, I should feel flattered and push myself to my limits instead of flipping a lid and being snarky. But then again, he doesn't have to be so cold about it either, does he? He could actually try and be a little nice for a change because all I've actually done is try and make this whole experience a little more enjoyable. For the both of us.

When we pull up outside of my apartment, I grab my bag. "Thank you." I say softly, looking back at him who simply stares straight ahead and avoids my gaze. He nods in acknowledgment and I sigh deeply before opening the door and slamming it shut. I stroll to the elevator and once I'm in the hallway, I run a hand through my hair.  I can already hear Audrey's rock music playing on full blast and when I push the door open to my apartment, I find Audrey dancing by herself.

My lips twitch into a small smile when I see her and when she notices me, she grins before turning the volume down.

"I'm still waiting for our neighbors to complain." I comment, putting my bag on our grey couch. Audrey rolls her eyes.

"As if I care."

"You should." I counter and she rolls her eyes before flopping onto our couch.

"I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon."

I scoff, taking a seat next to her. "Neither was I."

She turns to me with a raised eyebrow and I sigh.

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