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Cameron Dawson

When the night arrives and Harley and I finally return home, I can't bring myself to sleep. My mind buzzes with different thoughts and I decide that staying up would be better than tossing and turning all night.

I take a sip of my tea as I sit at the kitchen island, my eyes focused on the grey marble countertop.

"You coming to bed?" I hear Harley ask and I look up to her before shaking my head.

"I'm not tired."

Her eyebrows draw together, obviously not believing me. Since she's being home for two days, she's already looking better. Her skin is no longer as white as paper and the bandage wrapped around her head is off, revealing a gash that's seemingly scarred over already despite looking still tender. I'm so glad that she's recovering- physically, at least.

"Danté..." her voice trails off as she approaches me and I already know what she's going to say.

"I'm fine Harley." I reassure her. "I think the stress of these last few days is catching up with me,"

She watches me silently, her eyes trying to notice any give away of how I'm feeling but I don't give her one. She sighs in defeat before looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"Come keep me company at least?" She suggests and I nod.

"I'll be there in a second, let me just finish my tea first." I say and she nods before disappearing into the room. I finish my tea off shortly after, my thoughts drowning me in the process.

When I walk into my room, Harley's body is covered with the blankets as she lies on her side. I run a hand through my hair as I approach the bed before I pull my shoes off. I lift the covers and climb into bed next to her. Her eyes watch my every moment and when I'm beside her, she stares up at me. I rest my head on my hand and look down at her before I wrap my other around her waist and bring her closer. My lips quirk into an amused smile when I feel the goosebumps scatter themselves along her skin and she reaches out to push a strand of my hair away.

"I love you Danté. Goodnight." Harley whispers softly and I set a feather light kiss on her forehead before she snuggles into my chest.

"I love you too." I whisper back.

As Harley falls asleep, the weight of what can happen tomorrow sets an uncomfortable feeling on my chest. I might not walk out of there alive but if that's what it's going to take to let Harley live in peace, then so be it.


I put two more waffles onto the centre plate and start rinsing off the pans and utensils when I hear Harley enter the room. Her beautiful hair is poofy from sleep and my white shirt covers her body up to her mid-thighs. She rubs at her eyes and I smile at her.


"Morning." Her raspy voice responds as she takes a seat at the kitchen island. I pull out a bottle of honey and syrup, putting it on the table before pulling a seat out and dishing some waffles onto a plate.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask and she shrugs, drenching her breakfast in honey.

"Better." She responds and I nod, glad to hear she's sleeping better.

We lapse into silence and I watch her quietly. I watch how she chews in thought, her eyes trained on the food on her plate. She rests her arm in a cast on the table, her fingers twitching every few seconds. My eyes slide over her features- her pointy nose thats covered in freckles, her eyes that are wide and loving, her lips that are heavenly. I want to spend the rest of my life with Harley. I want to wake up to her everyday and see her first thing in the morning. I want to be able to kiss her breathlessly and hold her to me. I want to show her every inch of my messy, disastrous soul. I want to spend my forever with her.

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