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Harley Anderson

I remember in tenth grade, a boy by the name of Jack Nickelson was interested in me. He sat in front of me in English class and always asked me for a pencil. He was a good looking guy with blond hair that was always gelled back, and green eyes that always twinkled when he spoke to me. Sure, his teeth weren't one hundred percent straight and he had a bigger than usual nose but he was still cute looking. Even though I was told by his little sister, a year below us, that he was interested in me, I didn't really care. I had other things to worry about. I was, of course, flattered at the fact but I didn't do anything about it.

It was a Friday, our last lesson, when Jack had turned around and given me his usual wide beam. "Can I have a pencil?" He asked and I handed him one even though I was running short on my own. "And can I maybe have your number so that I can take you on a date sometime?" He had gone on to ask. I remembered how I had merely smiled when my English teacher had yelled at us for talking. I was grateful for that since I didn't have to answer him.

The next day, I was determined to walk up to him and give him my number. I knew it was a risk considering my home circumstances but I wanted to experience some normalcy of being a teenager too. However, before I was able to do it, a group of girls had stopped me along the corridor to class. I had recognized them as girls Jack had gotten involved with some time during high school which had immediately set me on edge- were they going to skin me alive?

Turns out, they weren't hunting me down but were instead concerned about me. They had told me what Jack's intentions with me were. Apparently he had a thing for virgins which is why he only dated them. He enjoyed taking their virginity before he'd drop them and move on to the next. It was horrifying, really. I remembered how disappointed I was because I really saw Jack as a potential boyfriend.

That same day in English class, I ignored him after telling him I wasn't interested. I never saw him the same after that. Whenever he asked me for a pencil, I didn't smile and ask him how he was like I used to, instead I'd just hand it to him before continuing studying my poetry.

His smile was no longer friendly to me, it was seductive and his whole person was no longer trustworthy to me. I remember how I was grateful the girls had warned me but at the same time rather disappointed because I could no longer look him in the eye and see the once friendly boy I used to.

Now that I look back on that, I realize how small that is compared to what I've learnt about Cameron. Using girls to take their virginity is no game but at least Jack wasn't a drug dealer.

One would think that I'd see Cameron differently now. See him as a criminal- someone who belongs in prison with his parents. You'd think that after all the time I spent being abused that I would run for the hills when I found out what he'd done.

However, that isn't true at all. If anything, it's the opposite. As he stands by the stove, pouring the waffle batter into the pan, I cannot help but stare at him adoringly. He's so strong. He's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders yet he does it so effortlessly. Cameron is the definition of strong and I cannot help but feel my heart fall for him so much deeper.

When he turns around to place the stack of waffles on the plate and catches me staring, he raises an eyebrow at me in question and I blush.

"Take a picture Harley. It'll last longer."

I roll my eyes before taking a waffle. He pulls out a chair beside me before placing two plates on the table, one in front of me, before lining honey, syrup and jam along the kitchen island.

I place a waffle onto my plate and drench it in honey while Cameron does the same with syrup. We eat in silence but it's comforting. It's clear that we're both still consumed in what was said last night. I'm surprised we even managed to catch some sleep however, I think it was the fact that we were both finally honest with each other that made it easy to relax.

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