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Cameron Dawson

I watch as Harley gives her all into keeping control of the car as she speeds along the black and windy road. In just a few weeks, Harley has accomplished the skill of racing. I can't even wrap my head around how good she is at it. Harley definitely has a natural talent for racing and is going to be an incredible racer, no doubt.

When the car skids to a halt and she looks over at me expectantly, I give her a wide smile. "You're a natural."

She rolls her eyes with a smile before turning the engine of the car off and leaning her head against the car seat. I watch the action, wondering what's going through her head. I know we're both on edge, and being a lot more aware of our surroundings, since the dress incident. I was so lucky I decided to show up early or else I would never have seen her lying on the floor. I was worried sick when I realized she couldn't move and when she started crying I panicked because I had no idea what was wrong. I didn't even think before I ran the bathtub for her and put her inside, ripping the dress- that was clearly covered in some chemical that burnt her- off. I was so frightened I couldn't even focus on the fact that I had basically undressed her. Then she told me it was from me even though it wasn't. Harley's gone through more than one incident that is suspicious over the last few weeks so it's no wonder we're both concerned. And now- knowing that whoever the sick bastard who is playing games with us knows where she lives and that we had a date that night- only worries me more. Frank, too, is concerned and is looking into the situation, trying to link it all together. But like he previously said- we don't really have much evidence to offer.

"Stop staring at me." I hear Harley mutter and I smirk.

"Sorry that my girlfriend is so breathtaking." I say sarcastically and she peeps at me through her one eye before we both chuckle. She falls silent again and wrings her hands in her lap, obviously nervous over something. My eyes narrow. "What's wrong?" I ask and she glances at me before sighing.

"I want to race." Is what she blurts out. My eyebrows raise before I frown.

"You want to have a legitimate race at the track?" I clarify and she nods. I stare back at her, trying to make out if she's kidding when I realize she isn't. She's dead serious. I feel surprise light up my features. It's not that I don't think she can do it but rather that I'm worried about whether she's rushing into this. Firstly, she's petrified of the dark. How is she going to race? And secondly, does she really want to enter the world of illegal racing? She'll never be able to live it down. I voice my concern to her and she frowns.

"I'm tired of letting my phobia run my life Cameron. I'm going to have to face it sometime. And yes, I want to race at the track- I haven't being scared off so far- and I want to race on Friday."

I purse my lips at her.

"What would you bet?" I ask. Harley doesn't have a car to bet on and I know she doesn't have the money either.


I give her a curious glance. "How much?"

She kisses her teeth. "Thirty thousand."

My eyes widen and I give her a dubious look. She wants to bet thirty thousand on her fist race? Wow. She really is coming out with the big guns. However, I'm not too sure it's a smart idea.

"I know it's a lot but wouldn't it make people take me more serious at the track? If I start out on top, I'll always be viewed on top." She explains, her eyes watching to try and gauge my reaction. I purse my lips. What she's saying is true- if she bets that much money and ends up winning, she'll always be viewed as a good racer since most newcomers bet very little.

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