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Cameron Dawson

"I'm not really in the mood, bro." I tell Caleb as I watch my character move across the television screen while we play Xbox.

"C'mon, man. The party will be a good way to just chill."

I sigh. "I doubt a party would make me feel ecstatic."

Caleb rolls his eyes. "Let loose. You know you deserve a night of fun."

"I have fun when I race."

"Bro. Seriously. Please come."

I pause the game and put the remote down, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Fine."

"Yes!" He cheers, slapping a hand on my shoulder. I roll my eyes at him.

Parties aren't my thing; I'm not exactly fond of surrounding myself with people who down liquor as a form of entertainment or take drugs to let loose. It's stupid and ridiculous and completely impulsive. People don't know how much drugs screw things up, how much pain the people involved in the dealings go through. Not only that, but I keep my distance at college which means that I don't really have friends there. I don't need people who are going to judge me for racing at an illegal track or people who I'm going to have to hide my passion from.

"I'm taking it that Audrey is coming?" I ask and Caleb nods.

"Yep. And Harley will probably tag along."

I cast him a curious glance, leaning back in my plush couch with my eyebrows scrunched together.

"She seems pretty close with Audrey, huh?" I ask and Caleb runs a hand through his hair.

"Yeah. They get along well."

"You know anything about her?" I ask and Caleb narrows his eyes at me in curiosity.

"Why're you so curious? Does she have your attention?" Caleb asks, amused. I roll my eyes as I stand up and walk into my kitchen to make some tea.

"Don't be stupid, bro. You know I'm teaching her to race and I don't even know anything about her. Obviously I would be a little curious."

"Don't you think you should have asked these questions before you agreed to teach her?"

I pour the tea into a mug and bring it up to my lips, looking at Caleb on the opposite side of my kitchen over the rim of the glass.

"I didn't think it was necessary."

Caleb lets out a breath of a laugh. "And you do now?"

I narrow my eyes at him and he holds his hands up in defense.

"Fine!" He leans against the island and I cross my arms over my chest. "Audrey told me that she's studying literature and that she's lived in Oregon her whole life. That's all I know."

"Wow. So useful." I roll my eyes.

"Not my fault I don't discuss my girlfriend's best friend."

I shake my head to myself. "What time does that party start again?"


"Well then, I better go take a shower." I say before finishing off my tea and leaving my mug in the sink. I pad my way to my room just as Caleb passes a snarky remark.

"Please do; you stink."

I flip him the bird as I walk down the passage and he lets out a loud laugh.


I'm waiting patiently for Harley, my fingers drumming a beat on the steering wheel before she appears in a tight fitting black dress that hugs at her waist and makes her seem taller than usual. Her usually curly hair is pin-straight and her bold makeup brings out her hazel eyes and freckles that dust her face.

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