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Harley Anderson

When my eyes slowly peel open, the light that streams through the sliding door of the balcony makes me squint and I lift my hand to rub my eyes. I then feel an odd sense of warmth on my back and beneath me which causes me to lift my head slightly. It's then that I realise I am sleeping on top of Cameron, his arm across my back while the other is outstretched by his side. I sit up immediately and his hand falls away which makes my eyes widen as I realize that we slept like that the whole night.

How did I even fall asleep on his rock hard chest?

I get off of my straddling position gently, in an attempt not to wake him, and sit on the side of his bed before glancing at him and remembering what happened last night.

What did I do to deserve him?

I run a hand over my face, feeling the puffiness and rawness of my eyes. I probably look like shit.

I pull my hair out of its ponytail and redo it before looking down to see me without the boxers on anymore.

When did they fall off?

I feel the bed move beside me before a yawn and I don't have to look to know he's already staring at me- the weight of his gaze makes it obvious.

"Hey." His raspy voice says, it still laced with sleep and I turn to him with a small smile.


His eyes dance across my features and I take note of how messed his hair is from a night's rest.

"You feeling better?" He asks and I purse my lips.

"Just a little tired." I smile and he returns the gesture.

If there was one thing I hated more than the attacks themselves was the consequences after. The exhaustion from having one could sit in my system for weeks. It sometimes got to the point where I actually felt sick.

He sits up and runs a hand through his hair. "You got any plans today?" He asks and I nod my head.

"I have a shift at eleven."

He nods. "Well I'm going to the track at three- Emery wants to talk to me and then I have a race tonight. You want to come?" He asks and I smile.

"I'd love to."

Cameron smiles at me before climbing out of bed and stretching before me. "I'm going to make waffles. Want to learn my secret recipe before you head back?"

I let out a laugh. "How can I turn down an offer like that?"

He laughs with me and I stand up, too, stretching as I do so before realizing that the shirt is rising and I stop abruptly. I drop my hands back to my side and head to the bathroom, rinsing my face and putting some toothpaste on my finger before spreading it onto my teeth in hopes of ridding my morning breath first. I then toss my hair up into a pony and leave the room. When I enter the kitchen, Cameron is already pulling ingredients out of his cupboards and tossing them into a bowl.

"Need help?" I ask and he glances at me.

"Could you get me the salt and butter please."

I do as I'm told, reaching for the butter in his fridge and passing it to him before gazing at his numerous cupboards.

"Which one has the salt?" I ask and he nods his head to one of the cupboards higher up before he begins measuring the flour. I open it up to see the salt right at the top and I stand on my tippy toes in an attempt to reach for it. However, my fingers barely brush it.

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