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Harley Anderson

The room is gloomy from the smoke that sits in the air from too many cigarettes and joints being lit. It hides half of his face so that I can only see his penetrating blue eyes that send chills down my body while anger dances like a flame within them.

Cyrus's broad back shields me from the lurking monster and I cower behind him.

"Get out of my fucking way Cyrus!" The man yells so loudly that I flinch. Cyrus has no time to respond when the man connects his hand to Cyrus's jaw in a horrifying smacking sound. Cyrus tries to get a few punches in here and there and he succeeds, but it does little damage to the monster who stands before him. I scramble to my feet, my torso aching and throbbing although I ignore it, and run upstairs in the direction of my room, slamming the door shut while Cyrus becomes the man's punching bag.

The sound of shouting and glass breaking can be heard and I shut my eyes tightly in an attempt to calm myself down. Tears spring to my eyes and I don't attempt to keep them at bay and rather let them flow freely while I try and block out the noise from downstairs. 

It's okay. I tell myself. You're okay.

But I don't believe it. Nothing is okay and the marks on my body prove this true.

Soon enough silence ensues and a door slamming shut- no doubt the monster going to go get another pack of cigarettes-  can be heard before a soft tap on my bedroom door follows.

"Harley?" A gentle voice asks and I sit up before opening the door and revealing a beaten up Cyrus.
A sob rips through my throat as I take a look at his busted lip and cut above his eye that has blood running out of it.

"Hey." He says soothingly, reaching out for me. "I'm fine, Lee. I'm just a little cut up." His lips stretch into a smile and his green eyes dance with love for me, allowing me to sniffle.
"Let me see your sides." He says softly and I nod, lifting my shirt to reveal the horrendous bruises. He lets out a sigh but pushes a smile onto his face.

"Pass me your cream." He says and I do as he says, getting it out of my draw before handing it to him. He rubs a little bit on them and I wince at the stinging sensation.

"I'm so sorry, Lee. You don't deserve this."

I shake my head. "You don't either."

He glances at me before putting the tub of cream away. He cups my cheek and kisses my forehead.

"I love you so much Lee."

Suddenly I'm no longer in the comfort of my room or with Cyrus holding me. Instead I'm in a dark room, the only source of light coming from a door at the top of the small staircase. I push myself up, wanting to go there instead when a figure suddenly stands in front of it and blocks my way. However, I feel fear envelope me when I take note of his black holes where his eyes are supposed to be.

"Next time make sure you aren't late." His monotone voice calls out and he begins to close the door.

"No!" I shout, running to the door but it's no use, I am submerged in darkness. My heart starts to pound loudly and I try and focus on anything that my eyes can make out in the dark. I let out a sob as panic racks up my spine.

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