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Harley Anderson

I stir in my sleep, feeling like someone is banging a pot against my head. Along with that, my body aches and itches which causes me to groan. When I manage to peel my eyes open, I am greeted with the sight of my bright room which causes me to put a pillow over my head from the sunlight that burns my eyes.

Why do I feel like shit?

And then it hits me. Not the reason but rather the nausea that causes me to spring up from my bed and rush to the bathroom before I empty out the contents of my stomach. When I'm done, I lean against my bathtub and rest my head in my hands as the memories of last night come rushing back.

I don't know why on Earth I decided to drown myself in liquor last night. Sure, I was exhausted but alcohol was never my go to escape. If anything I stayed away from it, fully aware of what it can make people do, or say, in their state of mind. That leads me to my next worry- did I say anything that I'm going to regret? I don't know what I'm like when I'm drunk, but I surely hope that I don't spill my heart out to people when I am.

"I thought I heard you." A voice suddenly says and I look up in fright before frowning at him.

"Cameron? What're you doing here?"

He shrugs, his hair styled so messily that I can't help but admire his attractiveness. "I waited for Audrey to come home last night but she didn't so I stayed over to make sure you were okay."

A small smile graces my lips at the thought of him caring enough to stay home with me and make sure I'm okay. "Here." He says, handing me a glass of water and an aspirin.

"Thanks." I respond, my fingers brushing his for a second. I pop the aspirin into my mouth and drink the glass of water to quench my thirst. I press a hand to my head. "Ugh. Remind me to never drink that much again." I mutter.

"Hangovers are the worst." He comments and I scoff.

"No joke."

He leans against the doorframe and I stare back at him, slightly uncomfortable that he's seeing me in this disgusting mess. I lick my lips and let out a breath.

"Should I be worried about something I said last night?" I ask softly and his eyebrows scrunch together as he stares at me in an almost calculating way.

"No. No you shouldn't be."

I let out a relieved sigh before pushing myself to a standing position. "Are you going to teach me today?" I ask and Cameron shakes his head.

"No. You stay home and rest."

I chew on my lip in thought. "Okay."

He nods. "I'm making waffles so you can come have some once you've finished."

I nod with a small smile. "Thank you."

Cameron nods before walking out of the room and I lean against the sink, running a hand through my tangled hair before I head to my cupboard and pull a pair of leggings and a baggy shirt out. I'm in and out the shower in record time and leave my wet hair down to dry before I pad my way to the kitchen that's filled with a heavenly smell. The sight of Cameron cooking makes me smile and I pull out a bar stool behind the island before taking a seat. He glances at me over his shoulder.

"Do you have any idea where Audrey is?" I ask and he nods.

"Caleb texted me that they were by him."

"Mmh." I smirk. "I'm sure they had fun."

He lets out a small chuckle. "I don't think they're that far in their relationship yet."

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