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Harley Anderson

I look around for the hundredth time, trying to spot him but come up empty once more.

Where the hell is he?

My race is to start in a few minutes and there's no sign of Cameron anywhere. After Emery had pulled me to the side, to wish me luck and let me know that I'm always welcome, and I returned, Cameron has being missing. Caleb nor Audrey know where he is and I'm beginning to grow antsy.

I want him to give me a good luck kiss and tell me I'm going to be okay one last time yet he isn't even here. Has he gone off to deal with some track issues despite my first ever race about to take place? I can't help but start thinking irrationally and illogically.

"Are you sure he didn't mention where he was going?" I ask Audrey again, desperate to see him one more time.

She shakes her head sympatheticlly. "Yeah, I'm sure."

I kiss my teeth.

"He probably had to deal with something but he'll be here. Don't stress Harley." Audrey tries her hardest to reassure me and I nod despite not feeling too convinced. I check my watch and see that it is indeed time for my race.

I run a hand through my hair. "I should get going."

Audrey embraces me in a tight hug. "You're going to do great!" I give her a smile, my nerves and anxiety making it hard. Caleb wraps an arm around me.

"Good luck Harley."

I give him a thankful smile before they both begin walking to the lanes. I climb into my new car, the scent of Cameron still hanging heavily in the air, and pull out of the lot and onto the lanes. I watch as people move out of the way, glancing at me carefully as if to try see who I am. I stop the car in the lane, watching as a crowd forms around me.

My mind is buzzing with nerves and my anxiety seems to make my breathing ragged. Me feeling angry and disappointed that Cameron hasn't being here just adds to the overwhelming sense of unease. And then there's the thought that if I don't lose and end up failing my mom, I can end up dead from losing control of the car. I chew on my lip and close my eyes to will the tears away.

I can't back out. Not now. I have to do this.

I gulp, taking in a shaky breath as I wait for my opponent.

Even though I've had a lot of practice over the last few days with Cameron, it doesn't mean that this race is going to go that well. I could end up with a really good opponent or even a dirty one at that, and I have to manage my anxiety unless I want to end up driving into a tree.

When I hear a car come up beside me, I watch as people stop to stare in admiration. I frown as a familiar Mustang- one exactly like Cameron's- stops beside me. I can't make out who it is through the tinted windows and I roll my window down. I want to see who my opponent is.

When I do however, my heart drops and my veins run cold.

"Cameron?" I mumble through my window and his brown eyes turn to me. They're masked over with a hidden emotion and I frown, feeling the weight of this realisation dawn upon me.

I'm racing against Cameron- my boyfriend, the unbeaten champion.

I feel anger course though my veins. What is he thinking? I don't want to race him- I don't want to have to go against the boy who has my heart.

"Good luck hermosa." He says and I shake my head, the girl who holds the flag stepping between our cars.

"Why am I racing you?" I ask desperately but he doesn't answer. I look back at the girl who is smirking at the cheering crowd.

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