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Cameron Dawson

I go at a deathly speed as I race along the quiet and empty road. The anxiousness and anger in my veins pushes me to step on the gas even more so that the world around me becomes one blur and I can't see clearly anymore. It's like for just a moment I don't have worries or troubles and it's just me, the road and my car. I wish this was the way things always were.

I eventually slow my car down and pullover before resting my head back on the carseat with a sigh.

Am I walking into a deathtrap today?

Me meeting with Harley's attacker isn't the wisest decision but I have to do it. I need to try and put all of this to an end. Harley doesn't deserve to go through the mess that I've dragged her into and I'll be damned if I let an opportunity to get out of this situation go.

I run a hand through my hair before turning my car back on and making my way to Joe's Coffee Shop. It's busy with customers like usual when I enter and I notice Harley taking down the order of a young couple. When she walks over, still scribbling in her notebook, she finally looks up to me. When I see her face light up, I feel my heart clench.

"Cameron." She says, coming over and pecking my lips. Hearing the name 'Cameron' coming out of her lips sounds so strange now that she calls me by my real name. She says 'Danté' so smoothly and effortlessly that I can't help but love hearing it come from her.

She pulls away and before she can say anything, a clearing of a throat interrupts us. We both turn to the source to see a man who I recognize as Harley's boss staring back at us. Harley blushes crimson.

"Hey Joe. I didn't know you were here." She tries to say casually and the man nods with a smile.

"I just got in." He replies before looking back at me. "So are you going to introduce me to your..."

"Boyfriend." Harley fills in for him.

"Yes, boyfriend?" Joe asks but I can sense the amusement behind his voice. Harley giggles before turning to me.

"Joe, this is Cameron. Cameron, this is Joe, my boss."

I stick my hand out to Joe and he grips it in a firm grasp without breaking eye contact. "Nice to meet you Cameron."

"Likewise." I respond and he pulls me forward slightly.

"Harley is like a daughter to me okay? Don't go around breaking her heart." He warns lowly and even though I feel gratitude to the man for caring for Harley, I can't help but chuckle.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

He lets go of my hand and pulls back with a smile, Harley looking between the two of us with raised eyebrows. "Let me take that order and you can head out now." Joe offers and Harley hands him her notebook.

"I'll see you around Cameron," Joe greets before disappearing into the kitchen. Harley hangs up her apron and grabs her bag, saying goodbye to a fellow waiter before coming to my side and exiting the room with me.

"I'm sorry about Joe. He's just very protective over his staff." Harley says once we're in the car and on our way home.

"It's fine Harley. At least he cares." I respond and she nods to herself.

When we're both back in the apartment, I check my watch and notice that I'm cutting it a bit fine.
I look at myself in the mirror of my bathroom and tell myself I have to do this, I have to get us out of this mess. I run a hand through my hair and when I leave my bathroom and enter my room to see Harley on the balcony, her hair flailing around, I cannot help but walk over to her and snake my arms around her waist.

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