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Harley Anderson

I lean against the car and glance at the engine, admiring the good condition of it. The previous owner definitely took pride in this possession. Even though my eyes are focused on the car, my mind can't help but dwell on what Cameron said on our way here- someone was in his apartment. I'm beginning to grow increasingly frightened because too much suspicious behavior is surrounding my life; first I get stalked, then a doll of me is put in my car and now someone breaks into Cameron's house all in the span of a few weeks? Call it a coincidence, but I cannot seem to see it that way this time.

"What're ya' doing sweet cheeks?" A voice suddenly murmurs by my ear and I jump, hitting my head on the hood of the car. I rub at my forehead that throbs before turning to Ryan with a scowl.

His blue eyes twinkle with amusement as he watches me and I find myself feeling uneasy. I don't trust Ryan and I definitely don't feel comfortable or safe around him.

"What do you want?" I ask coldly and he chuckles, playing with his lip piercing as he leans against the headlights of the car.

"Just checking up on what you're doing."

"I don't need to be checked up on." I know that snapping at him is a dangerous game but I'm tired of him always harassing me when Cameron isn't around.

"No need to get defensive." He almost laughs and I kiss my teeth, narrowing my eyes at him. His eyes move to the engine of the car and he lets out a low whistle.

"She's got one hell of an engine,"

I nod in agreement, not feeling comfortable with this friendly front he's putting up. I pull a hairband out of my pocket and put my hair into a ponytail while Ryan stares at the car. I look over my shoulder for any sign of Cameron, hoping he'll be back soon.

"So what's going on between you and Dawson?" The white-haired boy asks and I frown, looking at him uneasily.

"I don't see how that's any of your concern."

He smiles to himself. "I see why Cameron's gone for you. Not only are you gorgeous with an amazing body," his eyes rake my frame "but you're also smart."

I gulp, feeling the hairs on the nape of my neck stand up.

"What do you want?" I ask lowly and he shrugs, standing up and stepping closer to me.

"I want to know how he does it."

I frown at him. "Does what?"

He smiles at me, his teeth nearly as white as his hair, before reaching out and wrapping a coil of my hair around his finger. I lean further into the car, not liking his touch or the way he invades my personal space.

"Stays the unbeaten champion. I want to know his cheats." He murmurs to me and I scoff, flicking his hand away.

"Cameron doesn't cheat. Believe it or not, he actually races fairly. Besides, what did you want me to do?" I scowl "Rat him out to help you win?"

Ryan rolls his eyes, stepping closer to me which makes me move even further into the car.

"Don't tell me he's as innocent as he seems." He sneers before looking me up and down. "And neither are you." I push at his chest, willing him to move away from me but he doesn't, he simply smirks. "Where'd he pick you up? A brothel? You another whore running around here?" He asks coldly and I wince, the memory of being called a whore by my father coming to my mind on a loop.

I don't need another man calling me something I am not. I don't have sex with hundreds of men- I haven't even done it before- and I definitely don't sell myself for sex like he's insinuating. I shake my head, trying to keep my cool before I have a full on anxiety attack.

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