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Cameron Dawson

She squeezed my hand the other day. While I was sat in the chair, holding her hand she had given me a slight squeeze. I've never being so excited. But Dr Philip said not to get my hopes up since it's normal for comatose patients to twitch and spasm in their sleep. I still see it as good news though.

It's being a week. Harley is still in the hospital bed with no consciousness and with each day that goes by, the more the terrifying thought of her not waking up at all increases.

I've tried to find Frank but still, he is nowhere to be seen. I'm wondering if he's maybe left the state but I know that he'll be back. He'll want to finish off what he started. I need something against him, something to put him on the line. That's why I've called Mason and we're both on our way to Frank's house. I know he isn't there since I already checked, but hopefully he left some evidence behind.

I look over at Mason who is holding his gun in his hand and I kick Frank's door open, the handle and lock breaking. We both rush inside so nobody sees us and we gingerly walk into the house with our guns raised high. I notice his style of dark wooden furniture and cream coloured linen.

Nothing in his house looks suspicious and I growl to myself before walking down the hallway. I open each door to find nothing useful until I try and open the door to his office. It doesn't budge as I push the handle. I frown. I catch Mason's eye from where he's appeared down the hallway and I take a step back before lifting my leg up and kicking the door. Once again, the lock buckles and I walk inside.

I'm expecting to find a large board with pictures of me and Harley on it with string to show his plan of action on his wall. However, I don't find anything. I hear Mason on my heels and I put my gun down as I approach Frank's desk.

I start paging through the papers on the desk, all of them got to do with one of his cases. None of them are useful to me. I push the stack off of the desk in frustration.

How hasn't he left any evidence?

I lean against his table, staring down at the mess of papers on his floor. I think hard. If he was contacting my parents it was either through email or phone call and he's taken his laptop with him.

My eyes trail to the telephone on his desk and I go through some of the conversations that he has recorded. Most of them are him talking to officers about a case or him ordering take out. Nothing is helpf-

"Olá Frank." A familiar voice says over the phone and I freeze on the conversation. Mason frowns at me but I don't comment.

"Hello Emiliano and Valeria." Frank's voice echoes through the speakers.

"I trust you've come up with a plan?" The familiar sound of my father's voice floats through the phone. It sends shivers down my spine and memories through my mind. It's being years since I've heard that voice.

"Yes, I have. He has a girlfriend now who is an easy target."

I hear my father's low rumble of a laugh. "Danté really has always had a weakness for those he loves. What's her name?"

"Harley." Frank replies and the fact that my parents know her name makes me uncomfortable.

"It's a beautiful name." My mother comments.

"Alright, lets talk business. When are you going to be able to get the job done?"

Even behind bars my father is still all about business.

"I'm not sure but it will be done. I just thought I'd have some fun before I finish him off."

"Si, si. As long as you make sure it gets done. I want pictures when his blood is on the floor. I want to remember the kill of the person who put me in this cell."

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